Abstract mosaic in two shades of blue


Abstract mosaic in two shades of blue
Image: Olga Lioncat

Who, what, when? How to apply.

Doctoral candidates are invited to contact Prof. Leiner de, Dr. Ferrari, and Dr. Tacchini to submit their research project draft and academic CV to start their application process. Once contact has been established, candidates will be counseled in regards to available advisors among the RCR affiliated professors who could be a good fit. The research project draft should present the candidate's desired research project to the RCR director and coordinators on about 5 pages. Clarity and conciseness are important here! Please follow the structure recommended by us:

  1. Decide on a clear research question and suggest a potential research hypothesis to go with it.
  2. Present a summarized survey of relevant state-of-the-art research with a bibliography.
  3. Describe the intended methodology (e.g. discourse analysis, conceptual history, qualitative field research, quantitative field research, media content analysis, historical-critical exegesis, hermeneutics, interpretation of legal text, comparative case-studies, best practices, interviews, psychological experiments, big data ...). Cite books and articles that present such methodology/ies.
  4. Propose a schedule of activities for PhD development; include number of semesters and, if applicable, length of external research stays.
  5. Include other relevant information important for evaluating your draft.

RCR has a "rolling admissions" policy: Projects might be submitted at any time.

RCR coordinators Dr. Davide Tacchini and Dr. Francesco Ferrari (right)
RCR coordinators Dr. Davide Tacchini and Dr. Francesco Ferrari (right)
Image: JCRS

To request further information about the programme or discuss your submission , please get in touch with us!

Dr. Davide Tacchini,


Dr. Francesco Ferrari,