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Public Policy and Institutional Change in the Middle of Conflict (PPICMC)

The journal aims to build a strong core of Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation Research in Post-Conflict Society, particularly in eastern regions of Ukraine affected mainly by war. Establishing a research journal and academic publications on the inclusion and post-war transformation of Russian-speaking society in the particular war-affected and temporarily occupied territories.
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The "Public Policy and Institutional Change in the Middle of Conflict - Online Journal" was established in the Winter of 2024. The Journal is dedicated to deeper academic and practice cooperation, in addition to an integrative part of the MOU between Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena and V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) successfully accredited the journal as a research periodical online journal. The Journal will be published annually. The first volume should be published in Autumn of 2024. 
The first volume includes a collection of research articles and projects in the following thematics: 

  1. Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation;
  2. Public policy and public security (in the time of war);
  3. Mechanisms for ensuring the resilience of public administration during hybrid and
    real wars and conflicts;
  4. Changes in legislation, power structures, and decision-making mechanisms during
  5. Consolidation of society in the context of rethinking national identity;
  6. Political and social development;
  7. Third-sector parties and activities;
  8. Humanitarian help.

Paper Submission Guidelines 

Important Submission Requirements

Abstract – submission information (title, abstract, authors) are due on July 14, and full papers with supplemental material are due on August 12.Author information fixed after the abstract deadline – the author list for a submission MUST be complete by the abstract submission deadline, (cannot be changed thereafter).

Submission System

When submitting your manuscript, please make sure that you submit it to your intended area by choosing the appropriate area from the list of six areas.

  1. Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation;
  2. Public policy and public security (in the time of war); 
  3. Mechanisms for ensuring the resilience of public administration during hybrid andreal wars and conflicts;
  4. Changes in legislation, power structures, and decision-making mechanisms duringconflicts;
  5. Consolidation of society in the context of rethinking national identity; 
  6. Political and social development;
  7. Third-sector parties and activities;
  8. Economic impact of war; 
  9. Humanitarian help.

Originality & Reuse of Text

All submissions must be novel contributions by the authors. This means that they must be original work by the authors that has not been published previously in or submitted concurrently to any conference proceeding, magazine or journal, or the like, in any language, in any form, in whole or in part, by any combination of authors.


Plagiarism of the work of others is at all times unacceptable and will lead to the submission being removed from the review process.

Page Length Restrictions

Paper length may be up to a maximum of ten (10) pages (space 1) with additional two (2) pages allowed only for references. Authors can make use of more than two pages for references if the total is still within the 11 (10+2) page limit.

General Expectations

We expect that submissions will clearly discuss novel and significant contributions and place them in the context of prior art in the field. The following structure should be presented: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Research methods, Result of research, Сonclusions, References.

Expectations for References

For the list of references at the end of the document, we expect from authors that they check each bibliographic entry for correctness (e.g., author names including special characters, publication years, publication type, page numbers vs. article numbers, etc.), completeness (all needed information for the respective entry type), and general consistency of reporting.

Paper Submission Keywords

Authors are expected to select appropriate keywords for submitted papers.

The data was partly taken from a survey conducted by IEEE VIS - All rights reserved

Submission guidelines PDFExternal link

© Copyright

Public Policy and Institutional Change in the Middle of Conflict, Online Journal (PPICMC), All Rights Reserved

Academic Board 

  • First Chair - Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner


    • 2003 Universitätskurs "Lehre Lernen". Lebendig präsentieren
    • 1998 “Habilitation” (Mainz)
    • 1994 Promotion: Dr theol. (Heidelberg): Note: summa cum laude (Gutachter: Prof. G. Theißen, Prof. Chr. Burchard und D. Ritschl)
    • 1993 Abschlussprüfung nach 6 jähriger Zusatzausbildung "Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse" nach Viktor Frankl
    • 1988 Magister artium (Tübingen; 1. Hauptfach Philosophie 2. Hauptfach: Evangelische Theologie, Note: 2,0/1,0
    • 1986 Erste theologische Dienstprüfung (Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz), Note: 1,21 (meines Wissens beste Note, die je beim Pfälzer Examen erreicht wurde)
    • 1979 Abitur in Homburg/Saar: Bestes Abitur im Saarland mit 887 von 900 möglichen Punkten


    • 2020: Founding President International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS)
    • 2018: Founding Director of Academic Alliance for Reconciliation Studies in the Middle East and North Africa (AARMENA)
    • 2017: Associate Professor an der Universität Stellenbosch (Südafrika) in der Gruppe Ekklesiologie, Ethik und Praktische Theologie
    • 2016: Leiter der Doktorandenschule "Religion-Conflict-Reconciliation" (Englischsprachig, zur Zeit 20 Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden)
    • 2013 - heute: Gründungsdirektor des Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS) mit zur Zeit 15 Professoren aus 5 Fakultäten (Theologie, Recht, Wirtschaft, Philosophie und Sozial- u. Verhaltenswissenschaften)
    • 2008-2010: Dekan der Theologischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • 2004-2006: Pro- und Studiendekan der Theologischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • Seit 2004 Erasmusbeauftragter der Theologischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (Jena): Kooperationsabkommen mit Theologischen Fakultäten in Ankara(Islamisch), Bratislava, Genf, Kyoto, Minsk, Prag, São Bento do Sul, Sibiu, Sofia,
      Straßburg und Wien.
    • Seit 2003 im Vorstand des Ethikzentrum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität
    • Seit 1.10. 2002 Professor für Systematische Theologie mit Schwerpunkt Ethik an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
    • 2002 Präsident des Institut romand d'éthique (Genf)
    • 1998 Zunächst professeur assistant, dann professeur ordinaire für SystematischeTheologie und Hermeneutik an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Neuchâtel/Schweiz (Reformiert)
    • 1995 Dr. theol. Heidelberg University
    • 1990-1998 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Seminar für Systematische Theologie und Sozialethik der Theologischen Fakultät der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
    • 1988 Magister Artium Philosophy Tübingen University

    Previous Positions

    Editorial Board Membership

    Select Publications


    • Schuld, Vergebung, Versöhnung. Gedanken zur Seelsorge an NS-Tätern. In: Die Kirche und die Täter nach 1945. Nicholas John Williams und Christoph Pcker (Hg.). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2022, S. 167-180.
    • Entspricht die deutsche Verteidigungspolitik noch den Kriterien verantwortlicher Fürsorge für die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung? In: Ermutigung zur Verantwortung. Festschrift für Josef Römelt. Aschendorff Verlag, Münster 2022, S. 247-263.


    • Reconciliation and Refuges. Davide Tacchini, Zeina M. Barakat, Iyad Muhsen Al Dajani, Martin Leiner (Hg.) Vandenhoeck& Ruprecht Göttingen 2022.
    • Reconciliation, Heritage and Social Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa . Iyad Muhsen al Dajani, Martin Leiner (Hg.). Springer 2022.


    • Versöhnung und Friede. In: Was ist Friedenstheologie? Ein Lesebuch. Thomas Nauerth (Hg.). Ökumenisches Institut für Friedenstheologie. (Zuerst erschienen in: Auf dem Weg zu einer Kirche der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens. Ein friedenstheologisches Lesebuch. Im Auftrag des Präsidiums der Synode der EKD hrsg. durch das Kirchenamt der EKD, Leipzig 2019, 199-206.) Jetzt:  BoD-Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2020, S. 114-123.
    • La réconciliation à l'image du Christ. In: International Yearbook for Tillich Research 2019/20 Volume 14. Christian Danz, Marc Dumas, Werner Schüßler and Bryan Wagoner (Hg.). Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston 2020, S. 23-44.
    • Creating space for truth. Reconciliation Studies and the 2014 TRC re-enactment. Martin Leiner (Hg.). In: Unfinished Business? Faith Communities and Reconciliation in a Post-TRC Context. African Sun Media, Stellenbosch 2020, S. 141-162.
    • Reconciliation in the Middle of Conflict: An Approach to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Martin Leiner/Iyad Muhsen Suleiman AlDajani (Hg.) In: Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, Israel-Germany-Palestine, History and Responsibilities, Vol. 24 No. 3&4, Al Amal Press Jerusalem 2019, S. 112-121.
    • Die theologische und philosophische Rezeption der Texthermeneutik Paul Ricoers. Zum Stand der Forschung. Jean-Marc Tétaz/Martin Leiner (Hg.) In: Theologische Rundschau, 85. Jahrgang Heft 1, Mohr Siebeck 2020, 46-71.
    • “Was ist und zu welchem Zweck betreibt man Versöhnungsforschung?“ ZEE 2020.
    • Sola scriptura et solo verbo: par L' Écriture seule, par la parole seule. In: Martin Leiner/Joseph Famerée (Hg.), Les ‚sola‘ de la Réforme. Relectures protestantes et catholiques. Louvain la Neuve 2020, S. 37-54.
    • Le jubilé de la Réforme, un défi à la théologie et à l' historiographie. In: Martin Leiner/Joseph Famerée (Hg.), Les ‚sola‘ de la Réforme. Relectures protestantes et catholiques. Louvain la Neuve 2020, S. 1-14.
    • Introduction. In: Martin Leiner/Joseph Famerée (Hg.), Les ‚sola‘ de la Réforme. Relectures protestantes et catholiques. Louvain la Neuve 2020, S. 1.
    • Martin Leiner/Joseph Famerée (Hg.), Les ‚sola‘ de la Réforme. Relectures protestantes et catholiques. Louvain la Neuve 2020. Cahiers de la Revue théologique de Louvain 44.
    • Martin Leiner, Artikel: “Luther et Calvin Lecteurs de Paul”. Après Jésus. Paris: Albin Michel 2020.
    • Davide Tacchini/Zeina Barakat/Martin Leiner/Ayad Dajani (Hg.), Refugees and Reconciliation in the Middle East and Northern Africa. (RIPAR 5) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht.
    • Francesco Ferrari/Michael Sternberg/Zeina Barakat/Martin Leiner (Hg.), Hearts of Flesh, not Stone. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht.(= Buch 1 zum DFG;Projekt)
    • Zeina Barakat/ Martin Leiner/Francesco Ferrari (Hg.), Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht.(= Buch 2 zum DFG Projekt)


    • Koreanische Poesie. In: Koreana. Koreanische Kultur und Kunst. 14. Jahrgang, Heft 3, Verlag BTS, Herbst 2019, S. 66-67.
    • Encountering the suffering of the other - experiences from Palestinians and South Africans visiting places of suffering. In: Historical Trauma and Memory. Living with the Haunting Power of the Past. African Sun MeDIA Stellenbosch, 2019. S. 135-140.
    • Versöhnung und Friede. In: Präsidium der Synode der EKD, Kirchenamt (Hrsg.). Auf dem Weg zu einer Kirche der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens. Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2019. S. 199-206.
    • Theory of the Best State. In: Wolfgang Bartuschat/Stephan Kirste/Manfred Walther (Hrsg.). Naturalism and Democracy. A Commentary on Spinoza's "Political Treatise" in the Context of His System. Leiden/Boston, 2019, S. 81-92.
    • Autorität aus evangelisch-lutherischer Sicht. In: Paul Avis/Angela Berlis/Nikolaus Knoepffler/Martin O'Malley (Hrsg.) Incarnating Authority: A Critical Account of Authority in the Church. München, Utzverlag GmbH 2019, S. 169-190.


    • Setting the Stage: An Introductory Clarification  of Concepts of East. In: The Former Soviet Union  and East Central Europe between Conflict and Reconciliaton. (Lily Gardner Feldman/Raisa Barash/Samuel Goda/André Zempelburg eds.). Göttingen, V&R 2018. S. 13-32.
    • Karl Barth und die jüdische Religionsphilosophie. In: Susanne Hennecke (Hg.). Karl Barth und die Religion(en). Göttingen, V&R unipress 2018, S. 129-150.
    • Der Glaube an einen persönlichen und universalen Christus Jesus. In: Herzer/Käfer/Frey (Hg.) Die Rede von Jesus Christus als Glaubensaussage. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2018, S. 103-110.
    • Martin Leiner/Christine Schließer (Hrsg), Alternative Approaches in Conflict Resolution. London: Palgrave pivot 2018.
    • Martin Leiner: Conclusion: From Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation. In: Martin Leiner/Christine Schließer (Hrsg.), Alternative Approaches in Conflict Resolution. London: Palgrave pivot 2018, S. 175-185.


    • Sola scriptura et solo verbo: par l' Écriture seule,par la parole seule. In: Revue théologique de Louvain, 48, Verlag Peeters 2017, 307-314.
    • Versöhnung in Thüringen - Das Hölderlin Prinzip. In: Thüringen: Braucht das Land Versöhnung? Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann 2017, pp. 13-32.
    • Martin 0'Malley, Martin Leiner, David Summe und Nikolaus Knoepffler (Hrsg.): Thüringen: Braucht das Land Versöhnung? Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann 2017.
    • Beichte und Buße in Südafrikas Wahrheits- und Versöhnungskommission. In: Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift, 34. Jahrgang, Heft 1, Evangelische Verlangsanstalt Leipzig 2017, S. 124-140.
    • Le jubilé de la Réforme, un défi à la théologie et à l' historiographie. In: Revue théologique de Louvain, Nr. 48, 2017, 1-15.
    • L'ambivalence dusacré et l'ambiguité de la vie. In: Marc Dumas/Jean Richard/Bryan Wagoner (Hrsg.), Les ambiguités de la vie selon Paul Tillich, Berlin/Boston, Verlag Walter de Gruyter 2017, S. 263-273.


    • Wort Gottes und poetische Sprache. Zur Bedeutung der Poesie für die Theologie. In: David Kannemann/Volker Stümke (Hrsg.), Wort und Weisheit, Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2016, S.33-44.
    • Martin Leiner: Thinking differently about Identity and Harmnony - The Potential of Asian thinking for Reconciliation. Is reconciliation a topic for East Asia? In: Phillip Tolliday/Maria Palme/Dong-Choon Kim /ed.), Asia-Pacific between Conflict and Reconciliation, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2016. pp. 183-203.


    • Martin Leiner: Rechte für autonome Subjekte oder für leibliche Personen? Überlegungen zur Interpretation und Weiterentwicklung der Menschenrechte. In: Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt/Matthias Heesch/Friedrich Lohmann/Dorothee Schlenke/ Christoph Seibert (Hgg.), Marburger Theologische Studien, Leibhaftes Personsein. Theologische und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2015, S. 253-269. 
    • Matthias Gockel/Martin Leiner: Karl Barth und Friedrich Schleiermacher. Zur Neubestimmung ihres Verhältnisses. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2015.
    • Martin Leiner: Kreuzestheologie und Versöhnung. In: Seoul Theological University, ed., The 2015 Seoul Theological University Spring Academic Conference, pp.16-24.
    • Martin Leiner: Versöhnung. Zeichen für Gottes Wirken in den Revolutionen 1789 und 1989. In: Ulrich Schacht u. Thomas A. Seidel (Hrsg.), ...wenn Gott Geschichte macht! 1989 contra 1789, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2015, S.133-145.


    • Theorie des besten Staates (Kapitel 5). In: W.Bartuschat and S.Kirste, eds., Naturalismus und Demokratie Spinozas "Politischer Traktat" im Kontext seines Systems, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 95-106.
    • Grundfragen und Schwerpunkte einer Mediennutzerethik. In: ZEE 58 Nr. 4, pp.248-260.
    • Leiner,M., Palme,M. and Stöckner, P, eds. Societies in Transition. Sub-Saharan Africa between Conflict and Reconciliation, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    • Gesinnungsethik und Verantwortungsethik - ein Gegensatz? In: Boomgaarden,J. and Leiner, M., eds, Kein Mensch, der der Verantwortung entgehen könnte, Freiburg: Verlag Herder GmbH, pp. 168-193.
    • Leiner,M. and Boomgaarden, J., Vorwort, In: Boomgaarden,J. and Leiner, M., eds, Kein Mensch, der der Verantwortung entgehen könnte, Freiburg: Verlag Herder GmbH, pp. 7-26.
    • Leiner, M. and Boomgaarden, J., Kein Mensch, der der Verantwortung entgehen könnte, Freiburg: Verlag Herder GmbH.
    • Die Verdeutschung der Schrift und das dialogische Prinzip. In: D.Krochmalnik and H.-J.Werner, eds., 50 Jahre Martin Buber Bibel. Belin: Lit Verlag, pp. 185-196.


    • Melanchthon und Calvin - Ein Vergleich. In: H. Selderhuis, V.Leppin and M.Leiner, eds, Calvinismus in den Auseinandersetzungen des frühen konfessionellen Zeitalters. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp. 34-49.
    • H. Selderhuis, V.Leppin and M.Leiner, eds, Calvinismus in den Auseinandersetzungen des frühen konfessionellen Zeitalters. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
    • What is Poverty? - A Reflection from the Persective of Protestant Ethics. In: S.Tobler, ed., Human Dignity and Poverty. Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag GmbH 2013. S. 85-97.
    • Johannes Calvin. In: R.Gröschner, A.Kapust and O.W. Lembcke, eds., Wörterbuch der Würde, Paderborn: W.Fink, pp. 32-33.
    • M.Dumas, M. Leiner and J. Richard, eds., Paul Tillich - interprète de l'histoire, Forum Religionsphilosophie, vol. 31, Münster: LIT Verlag.


    • Karl Barth als Leser, Schüler und Kritiker Martin Bubers. In: ZDTh 57/28 Nr. 2/2012.
    • M.Leiner and S. Flämig, eds., Societies in Transition. Latin America between Conflict and Reconciliation. (=International Research on Religion, Conflict and Reconciliation vol. 1). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    • Systematische Theologie im französischen Protestantismus. In: ThLZ 137 (2012) 7/8. pp. 768-786.
    • Reconciliation. In: Kirisutokyo Kenkyn LXXIV (2012) 6, Kyoto/Japan. pp. 27-50.


    • L'esprit l'œcuménique - est-il l'esprit du compromis? Deux thèses sur une contradiction fructueuse. In : M.Nachi, éd., Actualité du compromis. La construction politique de la différence. Paris: Armand Colin, pp. 191-207.
    • Nach dem Jahrhundert der Ideologien. Hoffnung auf eine wahrhaft religiöse Aufklärung. In : Evangelische Aspekte, Heft 2/2011, pp. 30-33.
    • Solus Christus - Christus allein. Ein evangelischer Kommentar zur katholischen Marienfrömmigkeit. In : T.Seidel and U.Schacht, eds., Maria. Evangelisch. Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt pp. 59-84.
    • Die Entstehung des Christentums als semiotische Revolution. In : International Yearbook for Tillich Research. Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter 2011. S. 163-185.
    • Die Legitimität pazifistischer Positionen in der evangelischen Theologie. In V. Stümke and M.Gillner, eds., Friedensethik im 20. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, Theologie und Frieden vol. 42, pp. 153-170.


    • Korruption in den Medien. In: N.Knoepffler, ed., Korruption. In: Kritisches Jahrbuch der Philosophie, Beiheft 9/2010. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 123-136.
    • M.Leiner and M.Merrbach, eds, Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Religionszugehörigkeit eines Landes und dessen wahrgenommenen Grad an Korruption? In: N.Knoepffler, ed., Korruption. Kritisches Jahrbuch der Philosophie, Beiheft 9/2010. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 169-188.
    • Rekapitulation des israelischen Zeichensystems, Rekapitulation der Welt, Rekapitulation der menschlichen Seele als Person. In: P.Lampe/H.Schwier, eds., Neutestamentliche Grenzgänge. Symposion zur kritischen Rezeption der Arbeiten Gerd Theißens. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, pp. 140-160.


    • M.Leiner and W.Nunga Khal-Tambwe: Lobgesänge aus zerfallenen Hütten. Christen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo (DRK). MD 01/2009. Konfessionskundliches Institut Bensheim, pp. 9-15.
    • Depression und Sünde - Tillichs Konzept der Schwermut. In: L.Kaennel, B. Reymond (éds.): Les peurs, la mort, l'espérance: autour de Paul Tillich. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 161-171.
    • Psychologische Exegese. In: O. Wischmeyer et al., Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009.
    • "Applikation". In: O. Wischmeyer et al., Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009.
    • "Erklären/Erklärung". In: O. Wischmeyer et al., Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009.
    • "Auslegen/Ausleger/Auslegung". In: O. Wischmeyer et al., Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009.


    • M.Leiner and M. Trowitzsch, eds., Karl Barths Theologie als europäisches Ereignis. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht.
    • M.Leiner and M. Gockel: Kritik und Versöhnung - Karl Barth und die DDR. In: M.Leiner and M. Trowitzsch, eds., Karl Barths Theologie als europäisches Ereignis. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, pp. 79-119.
    • Methodischer Leitfaden Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht 2008 (=UTB 3150).
    • Menschenwürde und Reformation. In: R.Gröschner, S.Kirste and O.W. Lembcke, eds., Des Menschen Würde - entdeckt und erfunden im Humanismus der italienischen Renaissance. Tübingen: Mohr und Siebeck, pp. 49-62.
    • L'Église dans le monde. In: A.Birmelé, P.Bühler, J.-D.Causse and L.Kaennel, eds., Introduction à la théologie systématique. Genève: Labor et Fides, pp. 339-372.
    • Paul Tillich on God. In: M. Re Russell, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Paul Tillich. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2008, pp. 37-55.
    • Martin Bubers Rede von Gottesfinsternis. In: W.Schüßler, ed., Wie lässt sich über Gott sprechen? Von der negativen Theologie Plotins bis zum religiösen Sprachspiel Wittgensteins. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, pp. 187-202.


    • Der homo zappiens als homo sapiens oder: über eine gewisse Unmöglichkeit fernzusehen und dennoch bei sich selbst zu bleiben - Prinzipien einer christlichen Ethik der Mediennutzung. In: Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift. 24. Jg. H. S. pp.290-306.
    • Philosophische und theologische Ethik bei Friedrich Schleiermacher. In: Éric Gaziaux, eds., Philosophie et théologie. FS Emilio Britto. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 171-194.
    • Dem Evangelium die Seele wiedergeben? Grundsätzliche Fragen einer Psychologie des Urchristentums. In: G.Theißen/P.von Gemünden, eds., Erkennen und Erleben. Beiträge zur psychologischen Erforschung des frühen Christentums. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, pp. 29-56.
    • Was wird bleiben von Auschwitz? -Von der Sprachnot zur Stellvertretung. In. M.Wermke (ed.), Keine Pflicht, aber Kür. Beiträge aus Theologie und Pädagogik. Jena: IKS Garamond, pp. 65-82.


    • Gewinnen ohne zu unterwerfen - Zum Wahrheitsverständnis in den abrahamitischen Religionen. In: Evangelische Akademien in Deutschland, eds., Christen und Muslime. Verantwortung zum Dialog. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, pp. 39-52.
    • Medienethik in der Gegenwart (Medienethik II). In: N.Knoepffler,P. Kunzmann, I.Pies and A.Siegetsleitner, eds., Einführung in die Angewandte Ethik. Freiburg/München: Alber-Verlag, pp. 155-194.
    • Zur Bedeutung der Ethik Karl Barths für heute. In: ZDTh, Jg. 22, Special Edition, pp. 50-55.
    • Between Social Reform and Terrorism: Ethics as a Topic in the Muslim Renewal. A Case Study for some Elements of the Development of Islamism in Egypt, Pakistan and Morocco. In: Th.Botz-Bornstein and J.Hengelbrock, eds., Re-ethnicizing the Minds? Cultural Revival in Contemporary Thought. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopoi, pp. 305-319.
    • M.Leiner and J.-P. Willaime, eds., "Allemagne ". In: Pierre Gisel (directeur d'édition) and Lucie Kaennel (secrétaire d'édition), Encyclopédie du protestantisme. Paris : PUF, pp. 10-12.
    • Barmen (Déclaration de). In: Pierre Gisel (directeur d'édition) and Lucie Kaennel (secrétaire d'édition), Encyclopédie du protestantisme. Paris :PUF, p. 94.
    • Orthodoxie Radicale. In: Pierre Gisel (directeur d'édition) and Lucie Kaennel (secrétaire d'édition), Encyclopédie du protestantisme. Paris:PUF, p. 1024.


    • Sexualität. Protestantismus. In: M.Klöcker/U.Tworuschka, eds., Ethik der Weltreligionen. Ein Handbuch. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, pp 231-236.
    • Glaube ist der Eintritt des Menschen in die ganze Wirklichkeit. Bemerkungen zu Bubers Jenenser Vortrag und seinen religionsphilosophischen Hintergründen. In: M.Friedenthal-Haase/R.Koerrenz, eds., Martin Buber: Bildung, Menschenbild und Hebräischer Humanismus. 2005. Paderborn, München, Wien, Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh pp. 55-76.
    • "Neutestamentliche Exegese zwischen 'Psycholatrie' und ;Psychophobie'. In: Evangelische Theologie; 65. Jg; 2/2005, pp.148-154.
    • M.Leiner, N. Knoepffler and H.J. Birx, eds., Teilhard de Chardin. Naturwissenschaftliche und theologische Perspektiven seines Werks. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht.
    • Pierre Teilhard de Chardin und die protestantische Theologie. In: M.Leiner, N. Knoepffler and H.J. Birx, eds., Teilhard de Chardin. Naturwissenschaftliche und theologische Perspektiven seines Werks. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, pp. 45-68.
    • Protestantisme et la situation prolétarienne chez Paul Tillich et Karl Barth. In: Études Théologiques & Religieuses (Montpellier). 2005/1. 81-94. = "Protestantisme et la situation prolétarienne chez Paul Tillich et Karl Barth". In: M.Boss, D.Lax and J.Richard, eds. Tillich-Studien vol. 14. Éthique sociale et socialisme religieux. Münster: LIT-Verlag, pp. 17-30.
    • Piere Teilhard de Chardin en de protestante theologie. In: Gamma, Forum over onze rol in de evolutie, Stichting Teilhard de Chardin, jrg. 12/nr.4. Heiloo, Nederland, augustus, pp. 13-18.
    • R.Heß and M.Leiner, eds., Alles in allem. Eschatologische Anstöße. Christine Janowski zum 60. Geburtstag. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag 2005.
    • Die Bilder der Apokalypse und der ewigreiche Gott. In: R.Heß and M.Leiner, eds., Alles in allem. Eschatologische Anstöße. Christine Janowski zum 60. Geburtstag. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag 2005, pp. 93-106.


    • M.Leiner, H.Neubert, Th.A. Seidel and U.Schacht, eds., Gott mehr gehorchen als den Menschen - christliche Wurzeln. Zeitgeschichte und Gegenwart des Widerstands. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht.
    • Zu theologischen Motivation des Widerstands gegen das 'Dritte Reich'. In: M.Leiner, H.Neubert, Th.A. Seidel and U.Schacht, eds., Gott mehr gehorchen als den Menschen – christliche Wurzeln. Zeitgeschichte und Gegenwart des Widerstands. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, pp 194-216.
    • Überwindung und Reform der gegebenen Kirchen. Zu Kants Rede von der Kirche. In: W.Thiede, ed.: Glauben aus eigener Vernunft? Kants Religionsphilosophie und die Theologie. Göttingen, pp. 159-190.
    • Auferstanden in die Herzen und Seelen der Gläubigen? Psychologische Auslegungen der neutestamentlichen Auferstehungserzählungen. Evangelische Theologie 64/3, pp. 212-227.
    • "Mística y dogmática: ¿Convergencia u opposición? In: Selecciones de teología. 43, pp. 129-136. (=Spanish Version of "Mystique et dogmatique?" combined with a price for one of the best not Spanish articles of the year 2003).
    • Trinität als vollkommene Harmonie? In: G.Hummel and D.Lax, eds., Trinität und/oder Quaternität. Tillichs Neuerschließung der trinitarischen Problematik. Akten der 9. Internationalen Tagung der Tillichgesellschaft Frankfurt 2002. (=Tillich-Studien Bd. 10). Münster: LIT-Verlag, pp. 299-309.
    • Le droit de résistance dans l'État démocratique moderne - l'exemple de l'Allemagne. In: Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie, 136 (2004) pp. 231-246.


    • Mystique et dogmatique: convergence ou opposition ? In: G.Hammann/P.-O.Léchot, eds., Spiritualités en débat. Une perspective oecuménique. Actes du Colloque de Bose (mai 1999) (=Positions luthériennes 51/1-2) Paris, pp. 83-96.
    • Emil Brunner: Dogmatik. In: M.Eckert, E.Herms, B.J.Hilberath, E.Jüngel, eds., Lexikon der theologischen Werke. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 242s.
    • Emil Brunner: Der Mittler. Emil Brunner: Dogmatik. In: M.Eckert, E.Herms, B.J.Hilberath and E.Jüngel, eds., Lexikon der theologischen Werke. Stuttgart: Kröner, p. 507.
    • Gerhard Ebeling: Dogmatik des christlichen Glaubens. In: Emil Brunner: Dogmatik. In: M.Eckert, E.Herms, B.J.Hilberath and E.Jüngel, eds., Lexikon der theologischen Werke. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 244s.
    • Matthias Flacius Illyricus: Clavis scripturae sacrae. In: M.Eckert, E.Herms, B.J.Hilberath and E.Jüngel, eds., Lexikon der theologischen Werke. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 106s.
    • Matthias Flacius Illyricus: Tes tou hyiou theou kaines diathekes hapanta. In: M.Eckert, E.Herms, B.J.Hilberath and E.Jüngel, eds., Lexikon der theologischen Werke. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 710s.
    • Wolfhart Pannenberg u.a.: Offenbarung als Geschichte. In: M.Eckert, E.Herms, B.J.Hilberath and E.Jüngel, eds., Lexikon der theologischen Werke. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 533s.
    • Paradies. RGG. 4. Ed. Vol. 6. Tübingen: Mohr&Siebeck, pp. 913s.
    • Personalismus. RGG. 4. Ed. Vol. 6. Tübingen: Mohr& Siebeck, pp. 1130-1133.
    • Personalität Gottes. RGG. 4. Ed. Vol. 6. Tübingen: Mohr&Siebeck, p. 1133-1135.
    • Pneumatologie. RGG. 4. Ed. Vol. 6. Tübingen: Mohr&Siebeck, p. 1412s.


    • Droit, éthique et justice. Annotations en relation avec l'ouvrage de Wolfgang Huber, Gerechtigkeit und Recht. In: F.Dermange/L.Flachon, eds., Éthique et droit. Geneva : Labor et Fides, pp.182-203.
    • Mythe et modernité chez Paul Tillich. In: M.Boss/D.Lax and J.Richard, eds., Mutations religieuses de la modernité tardive: Actes du XIVe Colloque International Paul Tillich, Marseille 2001. Münster: LIT-Verlag 2002 (=Tillich-Studien Bd. 7),pp. 3-21.
    • Le temps ne peut être vécu qu'avec un vis-à-vis, que celui-ci soit homme ou objet. In: M.Lafaurie, eds., Le temps du vivant, Paris: PUF, pp. 232-234


    • Doctrine de Dieu à la fin du XXe siècle et sensibilité postmoderne. Vers une critique des conceptions harmonisantes de la Trinité. In: G.Émery/P.Gisel, eds., Le christianisme est-il un monothéisme? Geneva: Labor et Fides, pp. 284-321.
    • Concepts of Myth and the Work of Intellect, Imagination and Intuition. In: L.Moreva, ed., Intellect, Imagination, Intuition: Horizons of Consciousness (=International Readings on Theory, History and Philosophy 11). Sankt Petersburg, pp. 13-26.
    • Martin Buber und Friedrich Gogarten. In: Im Gespräch. Hefte der Martin-Buber-Gesellschaft. Nr 3/Herbst 2001, pp. 26-35.
    • Buber und Barth. ZDTh 17 (2001), pp. 188-191.
    • Information. Ethisch. RGG 4. Ed., vol. 4. Tübingen: Mohr &Siebeck, pp. 131s.


      • Gottes Gegenwart. Martin Bubers Philosophie des Dialogs und der Ansatz ihrer theologischen Rezeption bei Friedrich Gogarten und Emil Brunner.(= Publication of the habilitation). Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
      • Reconnaissance et justification par la foi: les arguments théologiques et éthiques en faveur d'une reconnaissance des couples homosexuels. In: F.Dermange, C.Ehrwein and D.Müller eds., La reconnaissance des couples homosexuels. Enjeux juridiques, sociaux et religieux, Geneva: Labor et Fides, pp. 117-138.
      • Wittgenstein on Logical Systems and Their Motives. In: W. Härle, M. Heesch and R.Preul, eds., Befreiende Wahrheit.FS für Eilert Herms. Marburg: Elwert, pp. 285-294.
      • Der trinitarische Rhythmus der Theologiegeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert. Ein Vorschlag zur Strukturierung der Theologiegeschichte und seine Konsequenzen. ThZ (Basel) 56 (2000), pp. 264-297.
      • Mythen als Spiegelungen der Menschheitsgeschichte - Merkmale lebensdienlicher Mythen für Individuen und Gesellschaft. Pfälzisches Pfarrerblatt 90 (2000), pp. 119-138.

    Select Events

    • 2020 Gründung der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Versöhnungsforschung (IARS), Finanzierung DSF
    • 2019 An enemy is someone,whose story you have not heard yet, International Conferenceon the Legacy of Prof. Dan Bar-On (1938-2008), Förderung durch die Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung
    • 2018 Refugees and Reconciliation in the Middle East and Norther Africa – An Interdisciplinary Research (Förderung DFG- Abbe-Stiftung)
    • 2017 Reformation and Global Reconciliaton (mit der Eccelsiological Investitions Group)
    • 2017 Reformation und Revolution (Jahrestagung aller Paul Tillich Gesellschaften weltweit (Finanzierung Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung)
    • 2016 Religion and Violence in South Africa (Finanzierung : Deutsche Stiftung für Friedensforschung)
    • 2015 5th International Summerschool:Societies in Transition. Balkans and Caucasus between Conflict and Reconciliation
    • 2015 Thüringentag: Philosophie: Versöhnung nach der DDR Zeit
    • 2013 8. Thüringentag: Medien und Ethik: Lobbyismus und Transparenz
    • 2012 7. Thüringentag: Medien und Ethik: Die große Illusion - Was machen die Medien mit unserem Weltbild?
    • 2011 Formen der Verantwortungsethik. (Finanzierung ThyssenStiftung) in cooperation with: Prof. Boomgaarden (Koblenz)
    • 2011 6. Thüringentag: Medien und Ethik: Ethik im Netz (Erfurt)
    • 2010 5. Thüringentag: Medien und Ethik: Medien undDemokratie (Erfurt)
    • 2010 Risks in the mountains - Risks in Financial Markets (Geneva)
    • 2009 4. Thüringentag: Medien und Ethik: Medienkompetenz (Erfurt)
    • 2008 Accès illimité à la médecine ? (Martigny)
    • 2008 3. Thüringentag: Medien und Ethik: Religion in den Medien (Erfurt)
    • 2007 2. Thüringentag: Medien und Ethik: Die Zukunft des Journalismus (Erfurt)


    German; French; English; Italian; Spanish; Latin; Greek; Dutch/Africans; Arabic, Hebrew, Russian; Lingala


  • Chair - Prof. Dr. Ludmila Belova
  • Prof. Dr. Andriy Girnyk


    • Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Dissertation title: Methodological aspects of the formation of creative thinking among student youth (1982).
    • Specialist, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Philosopher, teacher of philosophical disciplines (1972).


    • Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,  National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
    • Head of the Center for the Study of Conflicts and Psychoanalysis, National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
    • Visiting Professor of the International UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Peace, Democracy, Tolerance and International  Understanding,  National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
    • President of the Ukrainian Conflict Resolution Association
    • Invited lecturer,  Kyiv Regional Center for Advanced Training of Civil Servants

    Previous Positions

    • Head of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Conflict Studies , National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”,
    • Professor of the Department of Psychology, National Defense Academy of Ukraine.
    • Senior lecturer of the Department of Philosophical Questions of Biology and Medicine, Kyiv Institute of Advanced Training of Doctors.
    • Senior researcher, Institute of Psychology (Kyiv)

    Editorial Board Membership

    • 2013 - 2023 - editor of the collection of materials of the international conference "Conflictological expertise: theory and methodology"
    • 2004 - 2014 - chairman of the editorial board of the thematic issue "Pedagogical, psychological sciences and social work". Scientific notes of NaUKMA
    • 1997 - 2008 - chief editor of the collection. "Conflictology expertise: theory and methodology". Issue 1 - 6.

    Select Publications

    • Girnyk, Andriy; Krylova-Grek, Yuliya; Khan, Azizuddin (2021) A PSYCHOLINGUISTIC CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY  OF THE CONCEPT ‘CONFLICT’ IN INDIA AND UKRAINE/East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 8(2), 51–65
    • Bogdanov, Sergiy, Andriy Girnyk, Vira Chernobrovkina, Volodymyr Chernobrovkin, Alexander Vinogradov, Kateryna Harbar, Yuliya Kovalevskaya, Basenko, OksanaIvanyuk, Irina, Hook, Kimberly, Wessells, Mike  . 2021.  Developing a Culturally Relevant Measure of Resilience for War-Affected Adolescents in Eastern Ukraine./ Journal on Education in Emergencies 7 (2): 311-34
    • Singh, N. S., Bogdanov, S., Doty, B., Haroz, E., Girnyk, A., Chernobrovkina, V., Murray, L. K., Bass, J. K., & Bolton, P. A. (2021, April 26). Experiences of Mental Health and Functioning Among Conflict-Affected Populations: A Qualitative Study With Military Veterans and Displaced Persons in Ukraine. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
    • Girnyk A. Soziale und psychologische Grundlagen der Konfliktsteuerung // Die Förderung der Rule of law durch außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung : Deutschland, Polen, Ukraine / Tina de Vries (Hrsg.). – Berlin : Peter Lang, [2018]. – S. 185–194.
    • Andriy Girnyk, Yulia Donets, Sergiy Bogdanov, Victoriya Solovyova, Lyudmyla Romanenko  Explorative Study of Psychosocial Stress Factors that Cause Professional Burnout Among Teachers, Who Leave Near the Front-Line Zone in the East of Ukraine // Mental Health Global Challenges XXI Century MHGC Proceedings. – Rome, 2018
    • Girnyk A. Fundamentals of conflictology. - K., 2010 (in Ukrainian).

    Select Conferences

    • The international conference "Conflictological expertise: theory and methodology" (2023)  
    • All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Qualitative research in psychology: problems and solutions" (2022)
    • The Chance for Science. University Leipzig.  (2022).


    Ukrainian; English


  • Prof. Dr. Dmytro Karamyshev


    • Kharkiv State Medical University General Medicine, Medical Specialist
    • Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of State Administration of the President of Ukraine / Public Administration, Master's degree
    • Classical private university, Zaporizhzhia / Applied Economics, Master's degree


    • Full Professor of the Department of Disaster and Military Medicine at Poltava State Medical University, Poltava
    • Full Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Policy, Institute of Public Administration, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv (2021-present)

    Previous positions

    • Prime Deputy Director of Scientific and Pedagogical Activities of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of State Administration of the President of Ukraine (2015-2021)
    • "Medical Insurance in Ukraine" Project, European Business Association (EBA) (Chief Project Expert) (2008-2009)
    • Project for developing an occupational standard and curriculum for Bachelor training in Public Management and Administration: The National Academy of State Administration of the President of Ukraine and National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service in collaboration with the Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) (Federal Republic of Germany) and the German-Ukrainian School of Management (GUSG E.V.) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (Project Manager) (2015-2017)
    • Erasmus+ international cooperation project: WARN 610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Academic Response to Hybrid Threats" (based on the Regulations on the implementation of programs and management of grant funds of the EU Erasmus+ program (from 11/15/2019 till 14/10/2023) (Project Manager) (2019-present)
    • Project for public manager training under the DOBRE Program. "Management in Local Self-government Bodies in Ukraine" postgraduate certified program / Malopolska School of Public Administration, Cracow University of Economics (Project Manager) (2019-2022)
    • Project under the Joint Degree Program for training Masters of Public Management and Administration / National Academy of Public Administration & Mykolas Romeris University (Republic of Lithuania)

    Positions in professional public associations

    • Executive Director of the All-Ukrainian Public Association "Health of the Nation Union of Public Organizations", Kyiv (2006-2007)
    • Advisory Board Member of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Health Care (Legislative Initiatives Sector), Kyiv (2007-2013)
    • Chairman of the regional branch of the Association of Doctors of Science in Public Administration, Kharkiv (2008-2014)
    • Vice President of the All-Ukrainian Public Association "Ukrainian Medical and Legal Association", Kyiv (2009-2016)
    • Health Care Consultant to the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2013-2017)
    • Member of the NGO "All-Ukrainian Association of Doctors of Science in Public Administration" (2022-present).


  • Prof. Dr. Arie Nadler

    Short Biography

    Arie Nadler, Ph.D. (1976, Psychology, Purdue University, USA) is a Full Professor of Social Psychology (1988). He served as the Head of the Psychology Department (1984-1988) and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Tel Aviv University (1993-1998). He co-founded the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research and served as the first head of its academic committee (1992-2002), and established and was the first head of the Institute for Diplomacy and Regional Cooperation at Tel Aviv University (1999-2003). Since 2000 Prof. Nadler holds the Argentina Chair for Research of Psychology of Conflict and Cooperation. Funds to establish the Chair were donated by the Argentinean Friends of Tel Aviv University. Since May 2006 Professor Nadler serves as the Chairperson of the board of the Israeli Trustees Foundation which supports research in the social sciences and education in Israeli Universities and Colleges. Professor Nadler also served as the chairperson of ISEF (Israeli Sepharadic Education Foundation) and Yeladim (the council for the child in placement). Professor Nadler also has consulting experience in his areas of expertise in non-profit and business organizations.

    Fields of Interest

    • Helping relations and power relations between individuals and groups.
    • Reactions to and willingness to seek assistance
    • Social Psychology of reconciliation processes.
    • History of Psychology

    Selected publications

    • Fisher,J.D., Nadler,A., Whitcher-Alagna,S., (1982). Recipient reactions to aid: A conceptual review, Psychological Bulletin, 91, 27-54. (footnote in the body of the paper: "The first authorship of Fisher & Nadler is alphabetical
    • Nadler,A., & Fisher, J.D., (1986).The role of threat to self esteem and perceived control in recipient reactions to aid: Theory development and empirical validation. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.): Advances in Experiemntal Social Psychology (Vol.19) New - York: Academic Press, pp. 81- 124
    • Nadler, A., (1991). Help seeking behavior: Psychological costs and instrumental benefits. In Clark, M.S. (Ed.) Review of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 12), N.Y.: Sage Inc, 290-31
    • Nadler, A. (2001). The Victim and the Psychologist: Changing Perceptions of Israeli Holocaust Survivors by the Mental Health Community in the Past Fifty History of Psychology. 4, 25-55undrelying
    • Nadler, A. (2002). Inter-group helping relations as power relations: Helping relations as affirming or challenging inter-group hierarchy. Journal of Social Issues, 58 , 487-503
    • Nadler, A., & Liviatan, I. (2006). Intergroup Reconciliation: Effects of Adversary's Expressions of Empathy, Responsibility, and Recipients' Trust. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 459-470
    • Nadler, A. & Halabi, S. (2006). Intergroup Helping as Status Relations: Effects of Status Stability, Identification, and Type of Help on Receptivity to High Status Group’s Help. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 97-110
    • Shnabel, N. & Nadler, A. (2008). A Needs-Based Model of Reconciliation: Satisfying the differential emotional needs of victim and perpetrator as a key to promoting reconciliation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94, 2008
    • Nadler, A., Harpaz-Gorodeisky, G., Ben-David, Y. (2009). Defensive helping: Threat to group identity, ingroup identification, status stability and common group identity as determinants of intergroup helping, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    • Nadler, A. (2012). From help-giving to helping-relations: Belongingness and independence in social relations. In Snyder M. & Deaux, K. (Eds.): The handbook of personality and social psychology. NY: Oxford University Press
    • Nadler, A. (in press). Intergroup Reconciliation: Definition, processes and dilemmas, In Tropp, L. (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Conflict. NY: Oxford University Press
    • Nadler, A. (in press). The other side of helping: Seeking and receiving help. In D. Schroeder & W. Graziano (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Prosocial Behavior . New York: Oxford University Press
    • Nadler, A. & Chernyak-Hai, L. (in press). Help seeking as Stigma Consistent Behavior: Status effects on dependency-autonomy oriented help, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology


  • Prof. Dr. Toyomi Asano

    SANO Toyomi is a professor in the Dept. of Political science and economics in Waseda University in Tokyo, where he has been teaching political history of Japan and global history since 2015. He graduated from PhD course in the Graduate school of Advanced Social and International Studies in Tokyo University in 1998. He had been affiliated with Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University as a visiting fellow 1994- 1995, Modern Chinese History Research Center in Academia Sinica in Taiwan 1999, Sigur Center in Elliot School of George Washington University 2006-2007, Asiatic Research Center in Korea University 2009 as a visiting scholar. He also is affiliated with the Woodrow Wilson Center in 2015 for a year as a Formal Fellow. He won the 25th Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize in June of 2009 and the Yoshida Shigeru Prize in March of 2009 with his Ph.D.-book of Teikoku Nihon no Shokuminchi Hosei [The Origin and Development of Legal Structure of Japanese Colonial Empire]. After the publication, he has concentrated upon post-war issues of decolonization of Japanese Empire that meant normalization of post-war Japan with divided Asian states in East Asia. As for psychological aspect of decolonization, he concentrated upon strong public and national emotions that had been intertwined with lost human lives of Koreans or Taiwanese and confiscated properties for Japanese, which erupted in the diplomatic process each justified with its laws and memories.  Also, he is interested in the theories of nationalism, particularly in the complex of emotion, memory and values (select memories) that would formulate a nation itself. His meta-interests over history lie in how national identity has been institutionalized through civil wars, revolutions, colonial mobilization, decolonization, economic development and democratization. Also, the basic frameworks of recognizing history in the process of domestic and international (two levels’ configurated) politics are some of his additional interests.

  • Prof. Dr. Viacheslav Dziundziuk


    • Ukrainian Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (Kharkiv branch), specialty – public administration (1996-1997).
    • Kharkiv Institute of Radio-electronics, specialty – applied mathematics (1985-1992).
    • George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies – PASS (2008).

    Current position

    • Head of Public Policy Chair, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Institute of Public Administration.

    Previous Positions

    • Professor of Public Policy Chair, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (2021-2023).
    • Head of Political Sciences and Philosophy Chair, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2011-2021).
    • Professor of Political Sciences and Philosophy Chair, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2010-2011).
    • Deputy Director in Scientific Activity, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2009-2010).
    • Head of Political Sciences and Philosophy Chair, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2006-2009).
    • Professor of Public Administration and Management Chair, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine of Ukraine (2003-2006).


    • University of North London, faculty of social and political sciences (1997).
    • London Metropolitan University, faculty of social and political sciences (2007).
    • Tianjin Administrative Institute (2008).
    • George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (2008).
    • Wroclaw University (2015).
    • Berlin School of Economics and Law (2018).

    Select Publications


    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk, Olena Krutii, Roman Sobol, Tetiana Kotukova, Oleksandr Kotukov. Improved Planning  of  Information  Policy  in  the  Cyber  Security  Sphere  under  Conditions  of  Hybrid Threats. Cuestiones Políticas.  2022. 40(74). Pp. 741-763. 
    • Dziundziuk , V.B., Kotukh, Y.V., Krutii, O.M., Solovykh, V.P., & Kotukov, O.A. State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect). Cuestiones Políticas. 2021. 39(71). Pp. 166-186. 
    • Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Oleksandr A. Kotukov, Dmytro V. Hryn, Eugene V. Kotukh Spread of virtual communities as a potential threat to national security and sustainable well-being. Rivista Di Studi Sulla Sostenibilita. 2020.  Issue 2. Pp. 7-18. 
    • Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk. Spread of virtual communities as a potential threat to national security / Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Oleksandr A. Kotukov, Dmytro V. Hryn, Eugene V. Kotukh. Rivista Di Studi Sulla Sostenibilita. 2020. Issue 2. Pp. 7-18
    • Дзюндзюк В. Б. Публічне управління в Україні: рух з минулого у майбутнє.  Актуальні проблеми державного управління. 2019. № 1. С. 8-18.
    • Дзюндзюк В. Б. Вплив глобалізації на сучасну державу. Державне будівництво. 2018. Режим доступу :
    • Дзюндзюк В. Б. Україна у сучасному світі: потенціал і можливості. Новий колегіум. 2017. № 4. С. 4-7.
    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk. A War of Words. Per Concordiam. Journal of European Security and Defense Issues. 2015. Vol. 6. Issue 1. P. 50–55.
    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk. Stopping Cyberterror. Per Concordiam. Journal of European Security and Defense Issues. 2011. Vol. 2. Issue 2. P. 17–21.
    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk. Possibilities and Threats Caused by the Development of Information Society. Research papers of Kaunas University of Technology “Public Policy and Administration”. 2010. Nr. 33. P. 9–22.
    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk. The Formulation Mechanism of Anti-crisis Strategy for the Local Authority. Journal of Tianjin Administrative Institute. 2008. Vol. 10. № 4. P. 62–65.


    • Ukrainian, Russian, English.


  • Prof. Dr. Erin K. McFee


    • Ph.D., The University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development 2019
    • M.A., The University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development 2014
    • M.B.A., Simmons College School of Management (SOM) 2008
    • B.S., Business Administration, Finance, Boston University 2002
    • Executive Education, Harvard Kennedy School Climate Change and Energy: Policymaking for the Long Term 2023
    • Executive Education, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies-Geneva Development Policies and Practices: Conflict and Fragility Management 2022
    • Executive Education, Harvard Kennedy SchoolLeadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Chang


    • Founder and President of the Corioli Institute
    • UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science
    • Professor of Practice, Willilam J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies.
    • Specialist, United Nations Agency for Migration - Program for Reintegration and Prevention of Recruitment, Monitoring & EvaluationBogotá – Colombia

    Previous Positions

    • Scholar-in-Residence - Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution George Mason University – Arlington, VA USA.
    • Deputy Director - Irregular Warfare InitiativeJoint initiative between the Modern War Institute at West Point and Empirical Studies of Conflict atPrinceton University.
    • Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Anthropology - The University of Chicago, Chicago - USA
    • Research Intern, United Nations Agency for Migration.
    • Research Project Lead, Unpaid Intern, Colombian Agency for Reintegration - Bogotá, Barranquilla, Cúcuta, – Colombia.


    • “Trust after Betrayal: Global development interventions in contexts of organized violence”.
    • “Veteran Actual: Separation and Transition to Civilian Life among Military Affiliated Populations in theUnited States”.
    • “Trust & Peacebuilding Network” 
    • Veterans Restorative Justice Project – The University of Chicago Office for Military AffiliatedCommunities (OMAC)”

    Select Publications

    Under Revision and Review

    • McFee, E. (Revise and Resubmit). Performance, recognition, and betrayal: Regime-level responses to thewicked problem of ex-combatant reintegration in Colombia.Organization Studies.
    • McFee, E. (Revise and Resubmit). Reconceptualizing Stateness. American Anthropologist .
    • McFee, E., Livermore, D., & Rogers, N. (Under Review). Formerly armed actors (FAAs) in the not-quite-after of Colombia and Iraq: Reintegration as a strategic priority for irregular warfare. Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict .
    • McFee, E., & Livermore, D. (Under Review). Reintegrating the armies of the unprepared in Russia andUkraine: Pre-empting cycles of violence and emergent armed groups in contexts of irregular warfare.The RUSI Journal 

     Publications: Articles and Book Chapters

    • (2023) McFee, Erin K. “I’ve never told anyone that before …” in “Essay: Special Section: FieldworkConfessionals,” American Anthropologist.
    • (2023) Ahmann, C., Feser, A., Johnson, A.,McFee, E., & McLachlan, A. L. “Fieldwork confessionals.” American Anthropologist , Essay: Special Section: Fieldwork Confessionals.
    • (2021)McFee, Erin K . and María Cecilia Dedios “Masculinity and Moral Sonhood among Former Non-State Armed Group (NSAG) Members in Mexico and Colombia,” in Public Health, Mental Health, and Mass Atrocity Prevention(eds.) Alexandra Cain, Caitlin Mahoney, and Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum.Routledge: NY.
    • (2019)McFee, Erin K . and Angelika Rettberg. Excombatants and the Peace Accord with the FARC-EPin Colombia: Balance of the Early Phase. UniAndes Social Sciences: Bogotá, Colombia.
    • (2019) McFee, Erin K . and Angelika Rettberg “Introduction,” Excombatants and the Peace Accord withthe FARC-EP in Colombia: Balance of the Early Phase (eds.) Angelika Rettberg and Erin K. McFee.UniAndes Social Sciences: Bogotá, Colombia. (Spanish)
    • (2019) McFee, Erin K, Johnson, Kyle, and Mateo Adarve. “Learning to be in a post-accord Colombia:Intergroup relations in the transitional zones.” in Excombatants and the Peace Accord with the FARC-EP in Colombia: Balance of the Early Phase (eds.) Angelika Rettberg and Erin K. McFee. UniAndes SocialSciences: Bogotá, Colombia. (Spanish)
    • (2016) “The Contested Promise of Peace: Social Representations of Peace and the Posacuerdo Citizen-Subject in Colombia,” Psychology & Society,8(2), 8-26.
    • (2016). The Double Bind of “Playing Double”: Passing and Identity among Ex-Combatants in Colombia. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 22(1), 52-59.
    • (2012) Kim, T.,McFee, E.,Olguin, D., Waber, B., and Petland, A, “Sociometric Badges: Using SensorTechnology to Keep Pace with New Forms of Collaboration.” Journal of Organizational Behavior ,Winter Special Issue, 33(3), 412-427.
    • (2011) Warren, B., Sampson, S., andMcFee, E., “Business Schools: Ethics, Assurance of Learning andthe Future.”Organization Management Journal , Spring, Volume 8, 41-58.
    • (2010). Gardner, H.K. andE. McFee.“Utilizing Team Member Expertise under Pressure,” in Black, L.W. (Ed.)Group communication: Cases for analysis, appreciation, and application: 143-148. Dubuque,IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.

     Publications: Other 

    Select Conferences

    • Panelist, “Cutting the Supply Lines: Formerly Armed Actor (FAA) Reintegration as a StrategicImperative in Global Security Orders,” in the session “Terrorism and the International Order.” Organizedfor the conference: Order, Counter-Order, Disorder? Regional and Global Security Orders in the Shadowof Sino-American Competition, February 9-10, 2023, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY,USA. Conference proceedings integrated into theSpecial Report: The Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff(June 2023).
    • Panelist, “I’ve never told anyone this before…,” In the session “Fieldwork Confessionals Redux:Unsettling Ethnography” Session organized for the American Anthropological Association AnnualMeeting, November 9-13, 2022, Seattle, WA, USA.
    • Panelist, “Former belligerent Actors (FBAs) in the not-quite-after of Colombia and Iraq:The FBAIntegration Ecology Assessment Framework in contexts of irregular warfare,” In the session “Is irregularthe new regular?.” Session organized for the Future of War Conference, October 5-7, 2022, Amsterdam,The Netherlands.
    • Panelist & Discussant, “Manifest Measurement: How Organizations (Re)Produce Conflict inHumanitarian and Peacebuilding Interventions in Colombia” In the session “Peace, Polarization, andAccountability under Fire: Lessons from Colombia and Brazil about the Politics of Truth andRepresentation.” Session organized for the 120th AAA Annual Meeting (anthropology), November 18-21,2021, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
    • Organizer and panelist, “’Making a presence’: The political economy of scarcity in the citizen-stateencounter in Colombia.” In the session “Epistemic Knots in Contested Political Landscapes: WhatColombia and Brazil Can Teach Us about Populism and Post Truth Politics,” organized for the Raisingour VoicesAAA sessions November 9th, 2020. Virtual
    • Organizer and panelist, “Trust after War: Community interventions and the victim-excombatantencounter in Caquetá, Colombia.” Session organized for the 117th AAA Annual Meeting (anthropology), November 14-19, 2018, San Jose, California, USA.


Editorial Board 

  • Editor-in-chief - Binyamin Gurstein


    • Executive Director - Public Policy and Institutional Change in the Middle of Conflict Project – The Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS), Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena & Education and Scientific Institute of Public Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
    • Guest Lecturer - Central Welfare Board of Jews in Germany – ZWST: Jewish Identity, Diaspora and Israel.
    • Guest Lecturer - UAPP - Ukrainian Association for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy.

    Previous Positions

    • International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS): Secretary/Editor-in-chief.
      Editorial Tasks, CCPRSP Journal: Responsible for reviewing content and developing strategies and style guidelines. 
    • Guest Lecturer, General Organization of Workers in Israel, Ministry of Social Affairs in Israel.
    • Representative of the Workers Committee: Labour Union of Government.
    • Project Manager Immigrant Integration - IFCJ - International Fellowship of Christians and Jews & Ministry of Education Israel.

    Editorial Board Membership

    • 2022 - Co-editor, “Critical & Cultural Perspectives for Reconciliation Studies and Practices” Volume 1, January 2024.
    • 2021 - Co-editor, “Reconciliation and Peace” (in the publishing process) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    • 2020 - Co-Editor, “Interdisciplinary Approaches in Peace Studies”. David Schwartz, Daniel Galily, Binyamin Gurstein (ed.) University for National and World Economy: UNWE Publishing House: Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 9786192323431.
    • 2019 - Co-Editor, “A collection of scholarly papers in social science”. UNWE PUBLISHING COMPLEXISBN: ISBN 978-619-232-246-5.
    • 2018 - Co-Editor, “Education and Law.” David Schwartz, Daniel Galily, Binyamin Gurstein (ed.) УНСС. ISBN: 9786192322144.
    • 2018 - Assistant-Editor, “Management Human Resources and Law”. China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL).

    Select Publications

    • Leiner, M., Gurstein, B. (2020). Hybrid War and Media Confrontation In The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict. From: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Peace Studies. Schwartz, D., Gurstein., B., Galily, D. (editors) University of National and World Economy: Sofia, Bulgaria.
    • Schwartz, D., Gurstein, B. (2020). Roots of Conflict in Modern Society. From: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Peace Studies. Schwartz, D., Gurstein., B., Galily, D. (editors) University of National and World Economy: Sofia, Bulgaria.
    • Gurstein, B., Schwartz, D., Kucherenko, Y. (2020). Russia’s Cyber-Attack on US 2016 Elections - Causes and Consequences. From: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Peace Studies. Schwartz, D., Gurstein., B., Galily, D. (editors) University of National and World Economy: Sofia, Bulgaria.
    • Gurstein, B. (2020). Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) New Ways for Economic Consolidation of The Post-Soviet Countries. Global Business & Economics Anthology (GBEA), March 2020, Volume I., 2020: Worcester, US.
    • Gurstein, B. (2019). Is there “Black Panther” Movement in Israel? Protests of Ethiopian Jews - Sources of Conflict and Policy Implications. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 2019, 5, 10-25. Toronto, Canada.
    • Gurstein., B. (2019). E-Democracy and Information Society. Sixth International Conference on e-Democracy & e-Government (ICEDEG). Doi: 10.1109/ICEDEG.2019.8734299.
    • Schwartz, D., Gurstein., B. (2018). Virtual Strike. From: Management Human Resources and Law. Schwartz, D., Gurstein., B. (editors). China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL): Beijing, China.
    • Schwartz, D., Gurstein., B. (2018). Efficient Management of Human Resources: Employee Assessments. Business University of Costa Rica: Academic Press.

    Select Conferences

    • 2023 - Conference Organizer: Public Policy and Institutional Change in the Middle of Conflict Project 
    • 2022 - Conference Coordinator: Third World Conference on Reconciliation, Washington DC.
    • 2021 - Conference Coordinator: World Conference on Reconciliation Tokyo 2021, Waseda University.
    • 2021 - Conference Discussant: The Development of Reconciliation Studies in East Asia, Waseda University (Tokyo) International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS).
    • 2020 - Conference Organizer: Reconciliation in Ukrainian-Russian Conflict, International Association for Reconciliation Studies, Jena University, George Mason University.
    • 2019 - Conference speaker: International Conference on e-Democracy & e-Government (ICEDEG): Quito, Ecuador. Report: E-Democracy and Information Society.


    Ukrainian; English; Hebrew; Russian; German.


  • Associate Editor - Dr. habil. Tеtiana Kovalоva


    • H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, specialty «Ukrainian language and literature».
    • H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, specialty "Lawyer, teacher of law disciplines".doctoral studies at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

    Scientific degrees

    • Сandidate of Philological Sciences, specialty «Ukrainian language».
      Doctor of Public Administration, specialty "Theory and History of Public Administration".
    • Council of Europe program "Strengthening the institutional capacity of local self-government officials in Ukraine (2014-2015).
    • The second UNDP anti-corruption school (2016)


    • Associate Professor of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Institute of Public Administration, Law, National Security and European Integration chair.
    • Executive Director in Public Policy and Institutional Change in the Middle of Conflict Project, The Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS), Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena & Education and Scientific Institute of Public Administration, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
    • Visiting researcher in Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena.
    • Member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works “Pressing Problem of Public Administration”, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

    Previous Positions

    • Associate Professor of Law and Law-Making Process chair of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

    Social activities

    • The regional expert of the Active Citizens' Workshop of the Center for Democracy and the Rule of Law CEDEM (Public Union "Resuscitation Reform Package"), anti-corruption trainer for local self-government officials, deputies of local councils and public activists of the Kharkiv region.
    • Co-organizer and trainer of the programs "Sustainable Community Development and Ways to Attract International Technical Assistance", conducted for local government officials in eastern Ukraine in the framework of the project of the Consortium for Improving Management Education in Ukraine "Reconciliation in Ukrainian society: from the energy of protest to the energy of creation", supported by the British government.
    • Co-organizer and trainer of the programs "Mechanisms for Working with Internally Displaced Persons to Resolve Conflict Situations in Local Communities", conducted for local government officials in eastern Ukraine in the framework of the project of the Consortium for Improving Management Education in Ukraine "Reconciliation in Ukrainian society: from the energy of protest to the energy of creation", supported by the British government.

    Select Publications

    Monograph, including co-authorship

    • [State language policy of Ukraine: modern social challenges: monograph]. Харків : вид-во ХарРІ НАДУ “Магістр”, 2020. 396 с. [Kharkiv, publishing house of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine "Master", 2020. 396 p].
    • Ковальова Т.В. Юридичне визначення інформації, що становить суспільний інтерес, у контексті забезпечення права на доступ до публічної інформації» [“Legal definition of socially necessary information in the context of ensuring the right of access to public information”]. Управлінські, правові та соціально-економічні аспекти імплементації acquis communautaire у діяльності органів публічної влади України: монографія. Харків : вид-во ХарРІ НАДУ «Магістр», 2021. 204 с. (у співавт.) [Management, legal and socio-economic aspects of the implementation of the acquis communautaire in the activities of public authorities of Ukraine: a monograph (co-authored). 


    • Ковальова Т.В. Право в державному управлінні. Теорія держави і права [Law in public administration. Theory of state and law]. Харків.: «Магістр», 2014. 106 с. [Kharkiv, publishing house of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine "Master", 2014].
    • Ковальова Т.В. Організаційно-правове забезпечення сучасної антикорупційної політики [Organizational and legal support of modern anti-corruption policy]. Х.: Вид-во ХарРІ НАДУ «Магістр», 2015. 252 с. [Kharkiv, publishing house of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine "Master", 2015] (co-authored with S. Klimova).


    • Ковальова Т.В. Правова інституціалізація публічного управління в умовах суспільних трансформацій [Legal institutionalization of public administration in conditions of social transformations]. Актуальні проблеми державного управління /Pressing Problem of Public Administration. 2022. 1 (60). С. 78-91.
    • Kovalyova T. V. Political and legal aspects of state language policy formation: Czech experience for Ukraine. Public management. 2020. №2 (22). S. 76-90.
    • Ковальова Т.В. Застосування принципів acquis communautaire у процесі реалізації державної мовної політики України щодо національних меншин (на прикладі угорської національної меншини). Вісник Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України К.: НАДУ. 2020. № 1. С. 70-79. [Application of acquis communautaire principles in the process of implementation of the state language policy of Ukraine regarding national minorities (on the example of the Hungarian national minority). Herald of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Kyiv]. Ковальова Т.В. Сучасні методики вимірювання та оцінювання корупції. Державне будівництво. 2018. №2. [Modern methods of measuring and evaluating corruption. State construction. 2018. №2].
    • Kovalova T. Problems of implementation of the European charter for regional and minority languages by Ukraine. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. 2018 № 8(3). P. 38-44. 
    • Kovalova T. V. The Typology of the language policy in the contemporary conditions of the state development. Актуальні проблеми державного управління/Pressing Problem of Public Administration. 2020. №1 (57). С. 301-307.
    • Kovalyova T. (co-authorship). Development of Public Administration Ukraine in the field of State Security and Protection of Public Order (co-authorship: Rasiuk E., Sopilnyk R., Melnychuk N., Kozhyna). International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, March 2022. Vol. 22. No. 3 pp. 557-564.

    Select Conferences

    • Kovalova T. The language Factor of Formation of Humanitarian Space of Ukraine under the Conditions of Threats. Network Meeting Ukraine. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. December 9-10 2022. 
    • Kovalova T. Modern Ukrainian Science: Challenges of Wartime. IARS - World Conference on Reconciliation, Washington, DC 2022 August 18-20, 2022, Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University.
    • Ковальова Т.В. Роль Лісабонського договору в юридичному закріпленні прав людини в Європейському Союзі. Європейський Союз після Лісабонського договору: від трьохопорної структури до конституціоналізму: мат-ли Всеукраїнського круглого столу. В межах проєкту Еразмус+ Модулі Жана Моне Європейська політична інтеграція: історична ретроспектива та сучасність [The role of the Lisbon Treaty in the legal consolidation of human rights in the European Union. The European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon: from the three-pillar structure to constitutionalism: materials of the All-Ukrainian Round Table. Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project Jean Monnet modules European political integration: historical retrospect and modernity. Glukhiv, May 20, 2022]. Глухів, 20 травня 2022 року. С. 45-49. 
    • Ковальова Т. Державна мовна політика як інструмент формування національної ідентичності. Державно-управлінські аспекти формування національної ідентичності України: мат-ли конференції 26 грудня 2019 року. [State language policy as a tool for forming national identity. State-management aspects of the formation of the national identity of Ukraine: materials of the conference on December 26, 2019]. Львів: ЛРІ НАДУ, 2019. С. 20-22. Lviv.


    Ukrainian; Russian; English.


  • Assistant Editor - Dr. Vladislav Dimitrov


    • Kyiv National University “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,” Kyiv, Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).
    • Faculty: Sociology and law. Specialization: Department of Sociology, political science, and social philosophy. Dissertation: Management as an object of philosophical reflection. 
    • Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv, Ukraine, master’s Degree. Faculty: Political science. Specialization: Practical political science department. 


    • Associate Professor of the Social sciences Department, Kyiv institute of business and technology, (“KIBIT”) Kyiv, Ukraine;
    • Associate Professor of the Media and Communication Department, New Bulgarian University (“NBU”), Sofia, Bulgaria.
      Previous positions.
    • Kyiv National University “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” – social sciences. Faculty of sociology and law, department of political science, sociology and social work.
    • Consulting agency “PR-shop” - Public relations, management, marketing, consulting, advertising.
    • Consulting agency “Zlato Skifiv” – political researches, consulting.
    • JSC «Corporation Energotransinvest» - international trade, external economic activity. 

    Positions in Professional Public Associations

    • Collaborated with Erasmus Plus, British Councill, Freie Universitat Berlin, Jena Center of reconciliations studies.
    • A political scientist with practical election experience.
    • Published more than 50 scientific papers.


    Kiev National University “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev,Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), April 2013.

    Faculty: Sociology and law.

    Specialization: Department of Sociology, political science and social philosophy.

    Dissertation: Management as an object of philosophical reflection.

    - Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University, Kiev, Ukraine, master’s Degree, June 2006.

    Faculty: Political science.

    Specialization: Practical political science department.


    Kiev National University “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev,Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), April 2013.

    Faculty: Sociology and law.

    Specialization: Department of Sociology, political science and social philosophy.

    Dissertation: Management as an object of philosophical reflection.

    - Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University, Kiev, Ukraine, master’s Degree, June 2006.

    Faculty: Political science.

    Specialization: Practical political science department.


    Kiev National University “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev,Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), April 2013.

    Faculty: Sociology and law.

    Specialization: Department of Sociology, political science and social philosophy.

    Dissertation: Management as an object of philosophical reflection.

    - Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University, Kiev, Ukraine, master’s Degree, June 2006.

    Faculty: Political science.

    Specialization: Practical political science department.



    Postdoc in social sciences



    Postdoc in social sciences

  • Section Editor - Prof. Dr. Naoko KUMAGAI


    • Ph.D. in Political Science. Graduate Center, City University of New York. 


    • Professor at the Department of Global Studies and Collaboration, Aoyama Gakuin University.

    Previous Positions

    • April 2015 to March 2020: Associate Professor at the International University of Japan 
    • September 2010 to March 2015: Lecturer at the International University of Japan

    Select Publications

    •   Book-The Comfort Women: Historical, Political, Legal, and Moral Perspectives (English version of Jūgun Ianfu Mondai. Translated by David Noble), I-House Press, July 2016.  (Selected for the 2014  LTCB (Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan) International Library for English translation). -“History Issues: A Consistently Realist Approach,” edited by Yoichi Funabashi and Koji Nakakita, Critical Review of the Abe Administration: Politics of Conservatism and Realism: Politics of Conservatism and Realism, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2024, pp. 138-158.- “Politics and Reconciliation: The Issue of Comfort Women in the Dynamics of Reconciliation between Japan and South Korea,” edited by Bianca Boteva-Richter, Sarhan Dhouib, and James Garrison, Political Philosophy from an Intercultural Perspective, London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 196-217.-“Jijitsu ga Kizuku Wakai no Kiso: Chūgokujin Kyōsei Renkō Kyōsei Rōdōmondai no Kenshō” (Facts as Foundation of Reconciliation: The Empirical Study of the Issue of Wartime Chinese Forced Labor), Chiiki Bunka Kenkyukai (Regional Cultural Studies), March 2023, pp. 133-156.-“Ianfumondai no Ronjikata”(Thought on How to Discuss the Issue of Comfort Women),”Gaikō (Diplomacy), Vol. 51, 2018, pp. 44-49.-“Forgiveness in Reconciliation between Japan and Korea,” E-International Relations, 2016. 
    • -“The Background to the Japan-Republic of Korea Agreement: Compromises Concerning the Understanding of the Comfort Women Issue,” Asia-Pacific Review, Vol. 23, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 65-99.
    • -“South Korea and Japan: Resolving the Comfort Women Issue,” The Diplomat, September 10, 2020.  


    • -“Rekishi Mondai” (Issues Regarding History), Asia Pacific Initiative, Kenshō Abe Seiken-Hoshu to Realism no Seiji (Investigation of the Second Abe Administration: Politics of Realism and Conservatism) Tokyo: Bunshunshinsho, 2022, pp. 231-264

     Book Chapter

    • Jūgun Ianfu Mondai (The Issue of Comfort Women), Tokyo: Chikuma Shinsho, 2014.


  • Section Editor - Dr. Francesco Ferrari
    • Coordinator, Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS)
    • Coordinator, Martin-Buber-Forschungsstelle
    • Post-Doc Research Fellow, Chair for Systematic Theology and Ethics
    • Editor, "Buber Korrespondenzen Digital" (cooperation between Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, Goethe Universität Frankfurt und Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena)
    • Secretary, International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS)


    • Since 05/2021: Post-Doc Research Fellow, Chair Jewish Philosophy of Religion, Goethe University Frankfurt
    • Since 01/2014: Post-Doc Research Fellow, Chair Systematic Theology and Ethics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
    • 04/04/2014: Defense of Ph.D. Title of the dissertation: Religione e religiosità. Germanicità, ebraismo, mistica nell’opera predialogica di Martin Buber [Religion and Religiosity. Germanness, Judaism and Mystics in Martin Buber’s Predialogical Writings]
    • From 01/2011 to 12/2013: Ph.D. in Philosophy. School of Human Sciences, University of Genoa
    • From 04/2012 to 09/2013: Visiting Scholar, Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen
    • From 09/2008 to 07/2010: Master in Philosophical Methodologies, University of Genoa
    • From 09/2005 to 07/2008: Bachelor in Philosophy, University of Genoa

    Functions and Memberships

    Select publications


    • Comunità postsociale. Azione e pensiero politico di Martin Buber. Vorwort von Siegbert Wolf; Castelvecchi, Rom 2018, 144 Seiten.
    • Religione e religiosità. Germanicità, ebraismo, mistica nell’opera predialogica di Martin Buber. Vorwort von Martin Leiner; Mimesis, Mailand 2014, VI-378 Seiten.
    • Presenza e relazione nel pensiero di Martin Buber. Vorwort von Silvano Zucal; Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria 2012, X-306 Seiten.


    Collective Volumes (Editions)

    • Transdisciplinary Approaches on Reconciliation Research. Studies for Martin Leiner (mit L. Villanueva, D. Tacchini, B. Gurstein). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2024 (forth.)
    • Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Reconciliation Studies amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (mit M. Leiner, Z. Barakat, M. Sternberg, B. Hameiri). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023.
    • Versöhnung: Theologische Perspektiven. Festschrift für Martin Leiner (mit S. Baumert, G. Schmolz, C. Karpouchtsis). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023.


    Critical Editions

    • Stefan Zweig, Lettere a Hans Rosenkranz. Briefe an Hans Rosenkranz (mit S. Baumert). Giuntina, Florenz 2020.
    • Martin Buber Werkausgabe. Band 11: Schriften zur politischen Philosophie und zur Sozialphilosophie (mit S. Franchini, M. De Villa), Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2019. Einleitung: S. 15-100.
    • Martin Buber, Niccolò Cusano e Jakob Böhme. Per la storia del problema dell'individuazione. Einleitung: S. 7-38; Il Melangolo, Genua 2013.



    • The Ambiguities of Agency. A Philosophical Inquiry in Dialogue with Hannah Arendt, in: Erinnerungspolitik im Zeichen der Ambiguitätstoleranz, eds. H.G. Soeffner, B. Zabel, E. Gardei. Wallstein, Göttingen 2023, S. 89-106.
    • The Impact of Hannah Arendt’s “Ambiguities of Agency” on Reconciliatory Processes, in: Versöhnung. Theorie und Empirie, eds. E. Gardei, H.G. Soeffner, M. Schulz. Bonn University Press, Bonn 2023, S. 269-286.
    • Ermeneutica del tempo vissuto e fenomenologia dei sentimenti morali in V. Jankélévitch, in: Per la Filosofia, XXXIX/116, 2023, S. 49-64.
    • Resistance and Reconciliation. Martin Buber’s Stance towards Nazi and Post-War Germany, in: Literarische Interventionen im deutsch-jüdischen Versöhnungsdiskurs seit 1945, eds. R. Forkel, B. P. Pick. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2023, S. 83-104.
    • The Concept of Reconciliation after Auschwitz. Hermeneutic Phenomenology of the Irrevocable, in: Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Reconciliation Studies amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, eds. F. Ferrari, M. Leiner, Z. Barakat, M. Sternberg, B. Hameiri. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023, S. 27-44.
    • Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Introduction (mit M. Leiner), in: Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Reconciliation Studies amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, eds. F. Ferrari, M. Leiner, Z. Barakat, M. Sternberg, B. Hameiri. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023, S. 9-26.
    • Vorwort (mit S. Baumert), in: Versöhnung: Theologische Perspektiven. Festschrift für Martin Leiner (mit S. Baumert, G. Schmolz, C. Karpouchtsis). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023, S. 7-14.
    • “Mistica divenuta Ethos” e riconciliazione di sacro e profano: il chassidismo nell’interpretazione di Martin Buber, in: Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia della Religione 2, 2022, S. 343-359. 
    • Relation as Presence: On Martin Buber’s Lectures “Religion als Gegenwart”, Journal of the Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions, 18, 2022, S. 3-15.
    • Autobiography as a Hermeneutic Practice of Reconciliation with Oneself, in: Reconciliation, Heritage, and Social Inclusion, eds. I. Aldajani, M. Leiner. Springer, Cham 2022, S. 47-64.
    • Between Quest for a Heimat and Alienation. Jean Améry’s Journey after Auschwitz, in: Remembering the Holocaust in Germany, Austria, Italy and Israel: "Vergangenheitsbewältigung" as a Historical Quest, ed. V. Pinto, Brill, Leiden 2022, S. 89-98. Also in: Reconciliation and Refugees, eds. Tacchini, Z. M. Barakat, I. Aldajani, M. Leiner. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2021, S. 51-60.
    • Vladimir Jankélévitch’s “Diseases of Temporality” and Their Impact on Reconciliatory Processes, in: Contemporary Perspectives on Vladimir Jankélévitch, eds. M. La Caze, M. Zolkos. Rowman & Littlefield, London 2019, S. 95-116.
    • Frieden als Ars Videndi. »Inventing Peace« mit Martin Buber, in: Martin Buber Studien, III, 2018, S. 263-274.
    • Der Ort der Mystik in Bubers Frühdenken, in: Im Gespräch. Zeitschrift der Martin Buber-Gesellschaft, XVII, 2018, S. 14-25.
    • Der ewige Fremde. Jean Améry e la ricerca della Heimat dopo Auschwitz, in: Auschwitz dopo Auschwitz, eds. Latini, E. S. Storace. Meltemi, Rom 2017, S. 49-65.
    • Memory, Identity, Forgiveness. Archaeological and Teleological Perspectives of Reconciliation from Paul Ricoeur, in: Polylog. Forum for Intercultural Philosophy, XXXIV, 2016, S. 151-167.
    • Gustav Landauer. Fisiopatologia della rivoluzione, in: La salute della filosofia, eds. S. Baranzoni, P. Vignola. Aracne, Rom 2014, S. 65-79.
    • Individuum und Individuation. Eine Auslegung der Dissertation Martin Bubers, in: Martin Buber Studien, I, 2013, S. 419-426.
    • Martin Buber in Italien. Ein Überblick über die Rezeption seiner Werke, in: Judaica. Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums, LXVIII/4, 2012, S. 388-399.
    • Jakob Böhme: il primo incontro di Martin Buber con la mistica tedesca, in: Rivista di Ascetica e mistica, XXXVII/3, 2012, S. 573-597.



    • Stefan Zweig, Lettere sull’ebraismo, Giuntina, Florenz 2024 (forth.). Orig.: Briefe zum Judentum.
    • Jacques Derrida, Confessare l’impossibile. «Ritorni», pentimento e riconciliazione, Cronopio, Neapel 2018. : Avouer l’impossible. 'Retours,' repentir et réconcilation. Nachwort: S. 81-94.
    • Gustav Landauer, Per la storia dell’evoluzione dell’individuo, Castelvecchi, Rom 2017. : Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Individuums. Einleitung: S. 5-11.
    • Hannah Arendt, L’ebreo come paria. Una tradizione nascosta, Giuntina, Florenz 2017. : The Jew as Pariah. A Hidden Tradition. Einleitung: S. 5-12.
    • Martin Buber, Umanesimo ebraico, Il Melangolo, Genua 2015. : Der Mensch von heute und die jüdische Bibel; Monologisches und dialogisches Leben; Drei Sätze eines religiösen Sozialismus; Bemerkungen zur Gemeinschaftsidee; Die Mächtigkeit des Geistes; Das Ende der deutsch-jüdischen Symbiose; Hebräischer Humanismus; Hoffnung für diese Stunde; Gläubiger Humanismus. Einleitung: S. 5-11.
    • Gershom Scholem, Martin Buber interprete dell’ebraismo, Giuntina, Florenz 2015. Orig.: Martin Buber Auffassung des Judentums. Einleitung: S. 5-14.
    • Martin Buber, L'insegnamento del Tao. Scritti tra Oriente e Occidente, Il Melangolo, Genua 2013. : Die Lehre vom Tao; Buddha; Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten (Vorwort); China und wir; Dem Gemeinschaftlichen folgen. Einleitung: S. 5-14.
    • Martin Buber, In relazione con Dio. L'insegnamento del Baal Shem Tov, Giuntina, Florenz 2013. : Des Baal-Schem-Tow Unterweisung im Umgang mit Gott. Einleitung, S. 5-11.
    • Martin Buber, Il messaggio del chassidismo, Giuntina, Florenz 2012. : Die chassidische Botschaft. Einleitung: S. 7-25.
    • Martin Buber, Il chassidismo e l’uomo occidentale, Il Melangolo, Genua 2012. Orig.: Der Chassidismus und der abendländische Mensch; Aus Einer Philosophischen Rechenschaft. Einleitung: S. 5-20.
    • Martin Buber, Religione come presenza, Morcelliana, Brescia 2012. Orig.: Religion als Gegenwart. Einleitung: S. 5-36.


    Book Reviews

    • Pumla Gobodo Madikizela (Ed.), History, Trauma and Shame. Engaging the Past through Second Generation Dialogue, Routledge, London 2021 (in: GaRiWo Books).
    • Giorgio Fazio, Ritorno a Francoforte. Le avventure della nuova teoria critica, Castelvecchi, Roma 2020 (in: La Librellula).
    • Gustav Landauer, Esilio e Anarchia, Castelvecchi, Roma 2019 (in: Filosofia Italiana)
    • Vladimir Jankélévitch, Philosophie morale, ed. Françoise Schwab, Flammarion, Paris 2019 (in: Pardes, XXV).
    • Sam Berrin Shonkoff (Ed.), Martin Buber. His Intellectual and Scholarly Legacy, Brill, Leiden 2018 (in: Free Ebrei).
    • Martin Buber, Antica e nuova comunità, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia 2018 (in: La società degli individui, XXI/63).
    • Jack Jacobs (Ed.), Jews and Leftist Politics: Judaism, Israel, Antisemitism, and Gender, Cambridge Univesity Press, Cambridge 2017 (in: Free Ebrei).
    • Caterina Resta, La passione dell'impossibile. Saggi su Jacques Derrida, Il Melangolo, Genua 2016. (in: FilosoficaMente).
    • Paul Mendes-Flohr (Ed.), Dialogue as a Trans-disciplinary Concept. Martin Buber's Philosophy of Dialogue and its Contemporary Reception, De Gruyter, Berlin 2015 (in: Theologische Literaturzeitung, CXLII/5).
    • Martin Buber, Israele e i popoli. Per una teologia politica ebraica, Morcelliana, Brescia 2015 (in: Free Ebrei).
    • Igor Pelgreffi, La scrittura dell’autos. Derrida e l’autobiografia, Galaad, Giulianova 2015 (in: Discipline Filosofiche).
    • Nunzio Bombaci, Per una medicina dialogica. Juan Rof Carballo, scienziato e filosofo, Orthotes, Napoli-Salerno 2015 (in: Discipline Filosofiche).
    • Andrea Poma, Note filosofiche per la postmodernità, Mimesis, Milano 2014 (in: Giornale dell’Associazione Italiana di Filosofia della Religione).
    • Ulf Diederichs, Eugen Diederichs und sein Verlag, Wallstein, Göttingen 2014 (in: Giornale dell’Associazione Italiana di Filosofia della Religione).
    • Donatella Di Cesare, Heidegger e gli ebrei. I quaderni neri, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2014 (in: Giornale dell’Associazione Italiana di Filosofia della Religione).
    • Ephraim Meir, Dialogical Thought and Identity. Trans-different Religiosity in Present Day Societies, De Gruyter-Magnes, Berlin-Boston 2014 (in: Theologische Literaturzeitung, CXXXIX/12).
    • Martin Buber, Mythos und Mystik. Frühe Religionswissenschaftliche Schriften. MBW, Band 2.1, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2013 (in: Judaica. Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums, 1/2014).
    • Ilaria Bertone, La parola parlata. Martin Buber interprete e traduttore della Bibbia, Trauben, Torino 2012 (in: Giornale dell’Associazione Italiana di Filosofia della Religione).
    • Roberto Celada Ballanti, Filosofia e religione. Studi su Karl Jaspers, Le Lettere, Florenz 2012 (in: Humanitas, 4/2013).
    • Francesco Ghia, Ascesi politica e gabbia d'acciaio. La teologia politica di Max Weber, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2010 (in: Humanitas, 2-3/2011).
    • Agostino Cera, Io con Tu. Karl Löwith e la possibilità di una Mitanthropologie, Guida, Napoli 2010 (in: Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2/2011).
    • Roberto Celada Ballanti, Pensiero religioso liberale. Lineamenti, figure prospettive, Morcelliana, Brescia 2009 (in: Giornale di Metafisica, 1/2010).