Dr. Francesco Ferrari
Coordinator, Jena Center of Reconciliation Studies
Dr. Francesco Ferrari
Image: Dr. Francesco Ferrari- Coordinator, Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS)
- Coordinator, Martin-Buber-Forschungsstelle
- Post-Doc Research Fellow, Chair for Systematic Theology and Ethics
- Editor, "Buber Korrespondenzen Digital" (cooperation between Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, Goethe Universität Frankfurt und Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena)
- Secretary, International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS)
Research interests
- Reconciliation Studies
- Jewish Philosophy (20th Century)
- Social and Political Philosophy
- Philosophy of Religion
- Holocaust Studies
More in detail, this means:
- Topography of contemporary reconciliation research, e.g.: contextual, intercultural and transdisciplinary definition of reconciliation, also in relationship with theories of peace and conflict.
- Phenomenology of reconciliatory processes, e.g.: reconciliation and time, focusing on the notion of irrevocable.
- Philosophical theories of reconciliation from the 20th century, in relation to the concept of reconciliation after Auschwitz, e.g.: Adorno, Améry, Arendt, Buber, Derrida, Fackenheim, Jankélévitch, Lévinas.
- Impact of various factors and proxies in reconciliatory processes, e.g..: Justice and/or forgiveness; trust; agency; social healing; best practices.
- Case studies to reconciliation studies, e.g..: Israel-Germany; Israel-Palestine; South Africa; Rwanda; Colombia.
- WS 22-23
The Concept of Reconciliation after Auschwitz - WS 22-23
Reconciliation Studies: The Classical Authors - SS 2022
Zionismus, Sozialismus, Widerstand, Versöhnung: Martin Bubers politisches Denken - WS 21-22
Einführung in das Studium der Theologie - WS 21-22
Philosophie nach Auschwitz: Theodor W. Adorno und Hannah Arendt - SS 2021
Trust, Healing and Reconciliation - WS 20-21
Approaching Reconciliation Studies - SS 2020
Introduction to Reconciliation Studies - WS 19-20
Quest for Meaning and the Issue of Reconciliation with Oneself - SS 2018
"Making Home" in Reconciliatory Processes - WS 17-18
Vladimir Jankélévitch. A Moral Philosophy of Time - SS 2017
Philosophie und ethische Implikationen der Photographie - SS 2016
Is Reconciliation with Oneself Possible? - SS 2015
Verzeihen – das Unverzeihliche? - WS 14/15
Respekt. Eine ethische und soziale Frage - SS 2014
Martin Bubers Kritik und neue Bestimmung der Religion
- WS 22-23
- Since 05/2021: Post-Doc Research Fellow, Chair Jewish Philosophy of Religion, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Since 01/2014: Post-Doc Research Fellow, Chair Systematic Theology and Ethics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
- 04/04/2014: Defense of Ph.D. Title of the dissertation: Religione e religiosità. Germanicità, ebraismo, mistica nell’opera predialogica di Martin Buber [Religion and Religiosity. Germanness, Judaism and Mystics in Martin Buber’s Predialogical Writings]
- From 01/2011 to 12/2013: Ph.D. in Philosophy. School of Human Sciences, University of Genoa
- From 04/2012 to 09/2013: Visiting Scholar, Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen
- From 09/2008 to 07/2010: Master in Philosophical Methodologies, University of Genoa
- From 09/2005 to 07/2008: Bachelor in Philosophy, University of Genoa
Functions and Memberships
- Coordinator, Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS)
- Coordinator, Martin-Buber-Forschungsstelle
- Secretary, International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS)
- Member, Verein zur Förderung der Versöhnungsforschung und –praxis
- Member, Martin-Buber Gesellschaft
Third Party Funds
- Project “Hearts of Flesh-not Stone”, Phase II (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) (Tot: 3.000.000 Euro)
- Programm zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses 2016, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Tot: 10.000 Euro)
- Italian (first language)
- English
- German
- French
- Spanish
- CMS - website development and maintenance
- Digital Humanities - Oxygen, Transkribus
- MS Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher
- XML - programming and editing
- Professional use of social networks
Select events
- 11/23 - Talk: Resistance and Reconciliation. Martin Buber’s Stance towards Germany during NS time and After Auschwitz (Conference: Antisemitismus in zeitgenosisschen philosophischen Debatten, MBFS, JCRS Jena)
- 11/23 - Talk: Martin Buber: Il costruttore di ponti. Teoria e prassi della riconciliazione (Conference:Martin Buber e la riparazione dei conflitti. Nel centenario di Ich und Du. Università di Trento)
- 11/23 - Talk: The Concept of Reconciliation after Auschwitz (Netzwerktreffen, Friedens & Versöhnungsforschung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- 07/23 - Talk: Martin Buber: The Builder of Bridges (Kolloquium, Chair Jewish Philosophy of Religion, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
- 06/23 - Talk: Martin Buber (WikiradioExternal link, RAI Radio3)
- 03/23 - Talk: Die Wahlverwandtschaft zwischen Martin Buber und Gustav Landauer (Podiumsgespräch "Gustav Landauer", Katholische Akademie Berlin)
- 11/12 - Talk: Die Martin Buber Forschungsstelle. Ideen und Perspektiven (Conference "Versöhnung trotz Krieg", Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg)
- 10/12 - Talk: Martin Buber als Akteur und Denker der Versöhnung im Spiegel seines Briefwechsels (Conference "Erföffnung der Martin Buber Forschungsstelle", FSU Jena)
- 09/22 - Talk: Agency, Forgiveness and Reconciliation
- “Strengthening of National Research Capacity on Policy, Conflict Resolution, and Reconciliation”; Granada University, Erasmus+ Programme
- 08/22 - Talk: The Ambiguities of Agency in Reconciliation Processes
- “3rd IARS World Conference on Reconciliation”; Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University
- 04/22 - Talk: We Refugees – The Construction of a Social Identity
- “Reconciliation and Refugees”; JCRS
- 12/21 - Talk: Handlungsfähigkeit und Versöhnung. Überlegungen im Dialog mit Hannah Arendt
- „Theorie und Praxis der Versöhnung - Digitales Dialogforum“; Universität Bonn
- 12/21 - Talk: Resistance and Reconciliation. Martin Buber’s Stance towards Germany during NS time and After Auschwitz
- “International Workshops in Collaboration Between CISMOR and Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies”; CISMOR, Doshisha University (Japan)
- 10/21 - Talk: Martin Bubers Überwindung des Nationalismus zur Zeit seiner dialogischen Wende
- „Die Austreibung des Anderen und seine Einbeziehung“; Martin-Buber Gesellschaft
- 09/21 - Talk: Lieber Hans Rosenkranz... Stefan Zweig e la varietà come bellezza dell'essere;
- „Festival Letteratura 2021“, Mantova
- 08/21 - Talk: The Irrevocable as Cultural Trauma – and its Impact on Reconciliation
- “2nd World Conference on Reconciliation”; International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS).
- 03/21 -Talk: The Irrevocable as Cultural Trauma
- “What does it all have to do with us? - Practices of commemoration and remembrance of the Holocaust in Germany and Italy”; GaRiWo, Hotel Silber e.V. Stuttgart
- 11/20 - Talk: Four Diseases of Temporality
- “Stories, Histories, Memories”; The Liberal Herald, University of Bratislava
- 09/20 - Talk: How Emplotment and Meaning-Making Foster Reconciliation with Oneself
- “Reconciliation in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict”; IARS
- 05/19 - Talk: Vladimir Jankélévitch’s „Diseases of Temporality” and Their Impact on Reconciliatory Processes
- „Entlang den Grenzen des Dialogs. Literarische Interventionen im erinnerungskulturellen Versöhnungsdiskurs seit 1945“; Universität Oldenburg
- 12/17 - Activity: Teaching the Holocaust in Buchenwald. Guided tour with lecture of passages from Jorge Semprún
- “Winter School on Reconciliation and Frozen Conflicts”; JCRS and Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
- 07/17 -Talk: Jean Amery and the Quest for Heimat
- “Primo Levi and Jean Améry: Auschwitz and the Possibility of Enlightenment”; King’s College, London
- 05/17 - Talk: Martin Buber as Thinker and Agent of Reconciliation between Israel, Palestine and Post-war Germany
- “Reformation and Global Reconciliation”; JCRS and Georgetown University
- 05/17 - Talk: JCRS Approach to Reconciliation. Studies and Practices
- “Exploring the Role of Religion and Reconciliation in Political Transformation”; Union Theological Seminary (UTS), United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, New York
- 02/17 - Series of Lectures: Reconciliación: elementos básicos y casos de studio; Universidad de Antioquia (Medellin, Colombia)
- 09/16 - Talk: Philosophical Perspectives on Forgiveness
- “Transitional Justice. Contemporary Theories and Practices”; Ben Gurion University; Wasatia Academic Institute; FSU Jena
- 04/16 - Talk: Umanesimo e politica in Martin Buber
- “Tradizione religiosa e riflessione politica. Percorsi ebraici”; Università di Pisa
- 05/15 - Talk: “Inventing Peace” – Martin Buber als Inspirationsquelle für Wim Wenders' und Mary Zounazis' Friedenskonzeption
- „Dialog und Konflikt. Das dialogische Prinzip in Gesellschaft und Politik, Religion und Philosophie“; Martin Buber-Gesellschaft; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
- 05/15 - Paper: Archaeology and Teleology of Reconciliation. Perspectives from Paul Ricoeur
- “Reconciliation and Justice”; Viennese Society for Intercultural Philosophy
Select publications
- Comunità postsociale. Azione e pensiero politico di Martin Buber. Vorwort von Siegbert Wolf; Castelvecchi, Rom 2018, 144 Seiten.
- Religione e religiosità. Germanicità, ebraismo, mistica nell’opera predialogica di Martin Buber. Vorwort von Martin Leiner; Mimesis, Mailand 2014, VI-378 Seiten.
- Presenza e relazione nel pensiero di Martin Buber. Vorwort von Silvano Zucal; Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria 2012, X-306 Seiten.
Collective Volumes (Editions)
- Transdisciplinary Approaches on Reconciliation Research. Studies for Martin Leiner (mit L. Villanueva, D. Tacchini, B. Gurstein). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2024 (forth.)
- Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Reconciliation Studies amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (mit M. Leiner, Z. Barakat, M. Sternberg, B. Hameiri). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023.
- Versöhnung: Theologische Perspektiven. Festschrift für Martin Leiner (mit S. Baumert, G. Schmolz, C. Karpouchtsis). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023.
Critical Editions
- Stefan Zweig, Lettere a Hans Rosenkranz. Briefe an Hans Rosenkranz (mit S. Baumert). Giuntina, Florenz 2020.
- Martin Buber Werkausgabe. Band 11: Schriften zur politischen Philosophie und zur Sozialphilosophie (mit S. Franchini, M. De Villa), Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2019. Einleitung: S. 15-100.
- Martin Buber, Niccolò Cusano e Jakob Böhme. Per la storia del problema dell'individuazione. Einleitung: S. 7-38; Il Melangolo, Genua 2013.
- The Ambiguities of Agency. A Philosophical Inquiry in Dialogue with Hannah Arendt, in: Erinnerungspolitik im Zeichen der Ambiguitätstoleranz, eds. H.G. Soeffner, B. Zabel, E. Gardei. Wallstein, Göttingen 2023, S. 89-106.
- The Impact of Hannah Arendt’s “Ambiguities of Agency” on Reconciliatory Processes, in: Versöhnung. Theorie und Empirie, eds. E. Gardei, H.G. Soeffner, M. Schulz. Bonn University Press, Bonn 2023, S. 269-286.
- Ermeneutica del tempo vissuto e fenomenologia dei sentimenti morali in V. Jankélévitch, in: Per la Filosofia, XXXIX/116, 2023, S. 49-64.
- Resistance and Reconciliation. Martin Buber’s Stance towards Nazi and Post-War Germany, in: Literarische Interventionen im deutsch-jüdischen Versöhnungsdiskurs seit 1945, eds. R. Forkel, B. P. Pick. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2023, S. 83-104.
- The Concept of Reconciliation after Auschwitz. Hermeneutic Phenomenology of the Irrevocable, in: Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Reconciliation Studies amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, eds. F. Ferrari, M. Leiner, Z. Barakat, M. Sternberg, B. Hameiri. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023, S. 27-44.
- Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Introduction (mit M. Leiner), in: Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Reconciliation Studies amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, eds. F. Ferrari, M. Leiner, Z. Barakat, M. Sternberg, B. Hameiri. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023, S. 9-26.
- Vorwort (mit S. Baumert), in: Versöhnung: Theologische Perspektiven. Festschrift für Martin Leiner (mit S. Baumert, G. Schmolz, C. Karpouchtsis). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2023, S. 7-14.
- “Mistica divenuta Ethos” e riconciliazione di sacro e profano: il chassidismo nell’interpretazione di Martin Buber, in: Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia della Religione 2, 2022, S. 343-359.
- Relation as Presence: On Martin Buber’s Lectures “Religion als Gegenwart”, Journal of the Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions, 18, 2022, S. 3-15.
- Autobiography as a Hermeneutic Practice of Reconciliation with Oneself, in: Reconciliation, Heritage, and Social Inclusion, eds. I. Aldajani, M. Leiner. Springer, Cham 2022, S. 47-64.
- Between Quest for a Heimat and Alienation. Jean Améry’s Journey after Auschwitz, in: Remembering the Holocaust in Germany, Austria, Italy and Israel: "Vergangenheitsbewältigung" as a Historical Quest, ed. V. Pinto, Brill, Leiden 2022, S. 89-98. Also in: Reconciliation and Refugees, eds. Tacchini, Z. M. Barakat, I. Aldajani, M. Leiner. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2021, S. 51-60.
- Vladimir Jankélévitch’s “Diseases of Temporality” and Their Impact on Reconciliatory Processes, in: Contemporary Perspectives on Vladimir Jankélévitch, eds. M. La Caze, M. Zolkos. Rowman & Littlefield, London 2019, S. 95-116.
- Frieden als Ars Videndi. »Inventing Peace« mit Martin Buber, in: Martin Buber Studien, III, 2018, S. 263-274.
- Der Ort der Mystik in Bubers Frühdenken, in: Im Gespräch. Zeitschrift der Martin Buber-Gesellschaft, XVII, 2018, S. 14-25.
- Der ewige Fremde. Jean Améry e la ricerca della Heimat dopo Auschwitz, in: Auschwitz dopo Auschwitz, eds. Latini, E. S. Storace. Meltemi, Rom 2017, S. 49-65.
- Memory, Identity, Forgiveness. Archaeological and Teleological Perspectives of Reconciliation from Paul Ricoeur, in: Polylog. Forum for Intercultural Philosophy, XXXIV, 2016, S. 151-167.
- Gustav Landauer. Fisiopatologia della rivoluzione, in: La salute della filosofia, eds. S. Baranzoni, P. Vignola. Aracne, Rom 2014, S. 65-79.
- Individuum und Individuation. Eine Auslegung der Dissertation Martin Bubers, in: Martin Buber Studien, I, 2013, S. 419-426.
- Martin Buber in Italien. Ein Überblick über die Rezeption seiner Werke, in: Judaica. Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums, LXVIII/4, 2012, S. 388-399.
- Jakob Böhme: il primo incontro di Martin Buber con la mistica tedesca, in: Rivista di Ascetica e mistica, XXXVII/3, 2012, S. 573-597.
- Stefan Zweig, Lettere sull’ebraismo, Giuntina, Florenz 2024 (forth.). Orig.: Briefe zum Judentum.
- Jacques Derrida, Confessare l’impossibile. «Ritorni», pentimento e riconciliazione, Cronopio, Neapel 2018. : Avouer l’impossible. 'Retours,' repentir et réconcilation. Nachwort: S. 81-94.
- Gustav Landauer, Per la storia dell’evoluzione dell’individuo, Castelvecchi, Rom 2017. : Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Individuums. Einleitung: S. 5-11.
- Hannah Arendt, L’ebreo come paria. Una tradizione nascosta, Giuntina, Florenz 2017. : The Jew as Pariah. A Hidden Tradition. Einleitung: S. 5-12.
- Martin Buber, Umanesimo ebraico, Il Melangolo, Genua 2015. : Der Mensch von heute und die jüdische Bibel; Monologisches und dialogisches Leben; Drei Sätze eines religiösen Sozialismus; Bemerkungen zur Gemeinschaftsidee; Die Mächtigkeit des Geistes; Das Ende der deutsch-jüdischen Symbiose; Hebräischer Humanismus; Hoffnung für diese Stunde; Gläubiger Humanismus. Einleitung: S. 5-11.
- Gershom Scholem, Martin Buber interprete dell’ebraismo, Giuntina, Florenz 2015. Orig.: Martin Buber Auffassung des Judentums. Einleitung: S. 5-14.
- Martin Buber, L'insegnamento del Tao. Scritti tra Oriente e Occidente, Il Melangolo, Genua 2013. : Die Lehre vom Tao; Buddha; Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten (Vorwort); China und wir; Dem Gemeinschaftlichen folgen. Einleitung: S. 5-14.
- Martin Buber, In relazione con Dio. L'insegnamento del Baal Shem Tov, Giuntina, Florenz 2013. : Des Baal-Schem-Tow Unterweisung im Umgang mit Gott. Einleitung, S. 5-11.
- Martin Buber, Il messaggio del chassidismo, Giuntina, Florenz 2012. : Die chassidische Botschaft. Einleitung: S. 7-25.
- Martin Buber, Il chassidismo e l’uomo occidentale, Il Melangolo, Genua 2012. Orig.: Der Chassidismus und der abendländische Mensch; Aus Einer Philosophischen Rechenschaft. Einleitung: S. 5-20.
- Martin Buber, Religione come presenza, Morcelliana, Brescia 2012. Orig.: Religion als Gegenwart. Einleitung: S. 5-36.
Book Reviews
- Pumla Gobodo Madikizela (Ed.), History, Trauma and Shame. Engaging the Past through Second Generation Dialogue, Routledge, London 2021 (in: GaRiWo Books).
- Giorgio Fazio, Ritorno a Francoforte. Le avventure della nuova teoria critica, Castelvecchi, Roma 2020 (in: La Librellula).
- Gustav Landauer, Esilio e Anarchia, Castelvecchi, Roma 2019 (in: Filosofia Italiana)
- Vladimir Jankélévitch, Philosophie morale, ed. Françoise Schwab, Flammarion, Paris 2019 (in: Pardes, XXV).
- Sam Berrin Shonkoff (Ed.), Martin Buber. His Intellectual and Scholarly Legacy, Brill, Leiden 2018 (in: Free Ebrei).
- Martin Buber, Antica e nuova comunità, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia 2018 (in: La società degli individui, XXI/63).
- Jack Jacobs (Ed.), Jews and Leftist Politics: Judaism, Israel, Antisemitism, and Gender, Cambridge Univesity Press, Cambridge 2017 (in: Free Ebrei).
- Caterina Resta, La passione dell'impossibile. Saggi su Jacques Derrida, Il Melangolo, Genua 2016. (in: FilosoficaMente).
- Paul Mendes-Flohr (Ed.), Dialogue as a Trans-disciplinary Concept. Martin Buber's Philosophy of Dialogue and its Contemporary Reception, De Gruyter, Berlin 2015 (in: Theologische Literaturzeitung, CXLII/5).
- Martin Buber, Israele e i popoli. Per una teologia politica ebraica, Morcelliana, Brescia 2015 (in: Free Ebrei).
- Igor Pelgreffi, La scrittura dell’autos. Derrida e l’autobiografia, Galaad, Giulianova 2015 (in: Discipline Filosofiche).
- Nunzio Bombaci, Per una medicina dialogica. Juan Rof Carballo, scienziato e filosofo, Orthotes, Napoli-Salerno 2015 (in: Discipline Filosofiche).
- Andrea Poma, Note filosofiche per la postmodernità, Mimesis, Milano 2014 (in: Giornale dell’Associazione Italiana di Filosofia della Religione).
- Ulf Diederichs, Eugen Diederichs und sein Verlag, Wallstein, Göttingen 2014 (in: Giornale dell’Associazione Italiana di Filosofia della Religione).
- Donatella Di Cesare, Heidegger e gli ebrei. I quaderni neri, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2014 (in: Giornale dell’Associazione Italiana di Filosofia della Religione).
- Ephraim Meir, Dialogical Thought and Identity. Trans-different Religiosity in Present Day Societies, De Gruyter-Magnes, Berlin-Boston 2014 (in: Theologische Literaturzeitung, CXXXIX/12).
- Martin Buber, Mythos und Mystik. Frühe Religionswissenschaftliche Schriften. MBW, Band 2.1, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2013 (in: Judaica. Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums, 1/2014).
- Ilaria Bertone, La parola parlata. Martin Buber interprete e traduttore della Bibbia, Trauben, Torino 2012 (in: Giornale dell’Associazione Italiana di Filosofia della Religione).
- Roberto Celada Ballanti, Filosofia e religione. Studi su Karl Jaspers, Le Lettere, Florenz 2012 (in: Humanitas, 4/2013).
- Francesco Ghia, Ascesi politica e gabbia d'acciaio. La teologia politica di Max Weber, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2010 (in: Humanitas, 2-3/2011).
- Agostino Cera, Io con Tu. Karl Löwith e la possibilità di una Mitanthropologie, Guida, Napoli 2010 (in: Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2/2011).
- Roberto Celada Ballanti, Pensiero religioso liberale. Lineamenti, figure prospettive, Morcelliana, Brescia 2009 (in: Giornale di Metafisica, 1/2010).