Dr. Charalampos (Babis) Karpouchtsis
Dr. Charalampos (Babis) Karpouchtsis
Image: Privat- Research Fellow at the Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies, FSU Jena
- Dissertation title: Germany-Greece and the wounds of WWII: German Foreign Policy and Greek Martyr Communities
- Member of the Akademischer Rat of the Graduate Academy 2020/2021
- 2010-2012 University of Bath, UK. Euromaster MA in European Politics
- 2007-2010 Freie Universität Berlin. BA Political Science
- 2007 Deutsche Schule Thessaloniki, Abitur
Research Interests
- International relations & Foreign Policy
- Politics of Reconciliation in local, national and transnational dimensions
- Memory Politics
- Strategic Culture
- European Politics and Policy Making
German, Greek, English & French
Select Events & Lectures & Conferences
- ERINNERN. GEDENKEN. AUFARBEITEN - Die Bedeutung unserer historischen Verantwortung für die deutsch-griechischen Beziehungen - Panel Discussion in the German Bundestag, organized by the Parliament Group of Grüne im Bundestag, 02.03.2020
- „Dynamiken deutsch-griechischer Erinnerungen aus archivarischer, pädagogischer und historischer Perspektive“, - Keynote “Chancen und Herausforderung einer gemeinsamen Erinnerungskultur, Werkstatt der FES in Kooperation mit ASKI, Bonn, 05.12.2019
- ASF Jahresversammlung 2019 "Vergessene Geschichte(n)" – Panel Discussion „Offene Rechnungen – verdrängte Erinnerungen“ oganized by Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, Berlin, 18.05.2019
- Bilaterale Konferenz: „es war einmal. heute. Jugend im Fokus des deutsch-griechischen Beziehungen“Coordinator and Moderator of the three-day conference under the aegis German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth & the Greek Ministry of Education, May 2018
- Forum Memory and Education: Places of Terror in Greece – Project Manager of the five-day conference, organized by the Cultural Association of Lechovo under the Aegis of the Municipality of Amintaio and financed by the Greek-German Fund for the Future of the German Foreign Ministry, Lechovo, May 2016
- Presentation in Doctoral Seminar of the JCRS Religion-Conflict-Reconciliation, 2019
- Presentation “Old Wounds, New policies? Germany and Greek-Martyr Communities” in Doctoral Colloquium of Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, FU-Berlin, November 2019
- Brown-Bag-Seminar “Old Wounds, New policies? Germany and Greek-Martyr Communities”, University of Crete, April 2019
Select Publications
- Karpouchtsis, Charalampos (2018): Greek Strategic Culture: Education, Symbols and Experiences. In Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 11 (2), pp. 203–215. DOI: 10.1007/s12399-018-0698-5
- Parasidis, Vangelis; Karpouchtsis, Charalampos (2015): Griechenland-Seminar in der Georg-von-Vollmar-Akademie. „Vorsicht mit Empfehlungen, die man nicht selbst durchleben muss“. In Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 8 (4), pp. 589–593. DOI: 10.1007/s12399-015-0531-3
Other Interests / Additional Information
Block Seminars for Political and Civic Education - overview 2018/2020
- Berlin Direkt: Digitalisierung in Beruf und Alltag (with Dr. Nadja Cirulies)
- Europa Direkt: Soziales Europa? (with Prof. Dr. Martin Bellermann)
- Europa Direkt: Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland und Europa (with Prof. Dr. Martin Bellermann)
Vocational and Professional Education
Charalampos Karpouchtsis has completed the training “Leitung von Gruppen in Betrieb und Weiterbildung” and specializes in trainings with professionals of various disciplines. He has organized and moderated more than five international trainings and two international conferences