The Ukrainian Flag Colours

Public Policy and Institutional Change in the Middle of Conflict Project

The project aims to build a strong core of Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation Research in Post-Conflict Society
The Ukrainian Flag Colours
Image: Ukraine Now UA

Our Activities

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  • Flag, Ukraine, Ukraine flag image
    Image: Michael_Fotofreund (
    Veterans Economic Reintegration Workshop, September 24-25.

    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with the Ministry of
    Economy of Ukraine, Folke Bernadotte Academy, and Korn Ferry are bringing together a group of
    Ukrainian and international experts for a workshop on Ukrainian veterans’ sustainable reintegration into
    the formal economy, in Kyiv on September 24-25. The workshop will offer a continuation of a similar
    online workshop conducted in June and sets out to mark a tangible step towards the establishment of the
    Human Capital Resilience Charter, with a dedicated focus on veterans’ reintegration.

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Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS), Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena & Education and Scientific Institute of Public Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

  • Description

    The massive invasion of Russian Military Forces on the territory of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 had a long preparation, which testifies to the Crimea and Donbas occupation and the Central government's destabilization in Kyiv. That included mass media campaigns with a false interpretation of historical narratives developed 'pseudo-patriotic' and sometimes open neo-fascist movements that were highly spread on the territory of the Russian Federation and its satellite states worldwide. The 'Russia Today Chanel' and The 'Russkiy Mir Foundation' are only a few examples of such agents. In addition, the Hybrid, attacks, and troll factories, under the Federal Security Service coverage, prepared the ground for the invasion. This psychological warfare, based on mass media and internet platforms, aimed to erase and distort the national identity by provoking false political and public discourse. Those "concepts" of division significantly affected neglected weak with the weak and corrupted government structures.

    Nevertheless, the successes of the Russian Hybrid activities cannot be correlated only to Ukraine. Different pro-Russian organizations are acting openly or hidden worldwide. As a result, the divided society is a hotspot for hybrid intervention and operation of hybrid activities (post-Truth) worldwide and can be used by other non-democratic governments.

  • Goals of the Project

    The project aims to build a strong core of Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation Research in Post-Conflict Society, particularly in eastern regions of Ukraine affected mainly by war. The project involves Ukrainian and international research groups to develop a Ph.D. program for Ukrainian postgraduates. The main aim is to participate from Russian and Ukrainian-speaking researchers living in Ukraine or occupied territories. The program will be an integrated project for Ph.D. at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

    • Developing academic and practical steps of cooperation and project for institutional change in the Ukrainian society toward democratization. Those steps include establishing a research journal and academic publications on the inclusion and post-war transformation of Russian-speaking society in the particular war-affected and temporarily occupied territories. 
    • Creation of a group of inclusion researchers from Kharkiv National University (postgraduate students) who focus on the ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity of Ukrainian society. 
  • Institutions & Organizations
  • Methodology
    • The assumption that Media and Propaganda an Elements of Hybrid War (based on the latest research and the Ph.D. thesis of Hybrid War & Media Confrontation in Russian-Ukrainian Conflict 2014-2019. Ways of Reconciliation and Creating a Peaceful Relation). Perception of Norman Fairclough (1992; 2003; 2009), Ruth Wodak (1999; 2018), and Theon Van Djik (2001; 2000; 2013). Conflict Transformation Approach: Non-violent Transformation of Society in the middle and after a conflict and restoring destroyed relationships - (Model developed by John Paul Lederach (1997; 2004); Lewis, A. Coser (1957). Integration of multi-identities into the main narrative – through democratization and institutional post-soviet change. Peace co-existence and protection against danger Cyber Influence (Presented Lee Cameron McIntyre). Historical perception in Building identity 1991-2022.
      The search for countermeasures against hybrid threats is based, in particular, on the research on security and asymmetric conflict in international relations (Weissmann, Mikael & Nilsson, Niklas & Palmertz, Björn & Thunholm, Per., 2021); a global inventory of organized social media manipulation (Samantha Bradshaw, Philip N. Howard, 2017); democratic deterrence of hybrid interference (Mikael Wigell, 2019), Stephen M. Walt (The Renaissance of Security Studies, 1991).
    • A promising tool for managing conflicts and ensuring national security in the context of hybrid threats and permanent armed conflicts is reflexive management, which reflects a general approach to human management using various techniques of hidden influence. In this context, intersubjective interaction is considered a variety of social interaction of independent subjects of social relations at different levels, from the global to the level of an individual; it can be interregional, interdepartmental, inter-organizational, intergroup, interpersonal, partner, or antagonistic. At the same time, each party has its own goals, values, and expectations, its vision of the future and intentions, and also forms its position and independent behavior regarding the ways and means of achieving goals (T. Parsons, P. Sorokin, H. Haken, H. Mintzberg, G. Homans).
    • Working groups of researchers will work on strengthening national identity and institutional changes in post-conflict society (eastern territories of Ukraine, affected by Russian aggression), considering the model of social changes and transformation of post-imperial Japanese society.
      The program is directed toward students from the affected regions studying/or will obtain their Ph.D. degree to be part of the national identity and social transformation project. The candidates from V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University will join and be guided by Researchers from Germany and Japan.
  • The main Objectives of the Program
    • Development of democracy in the post-Soviet (post-totalitarian) Ukrainian society, institutional changes with the possibility of using different models of successful transformation (post-Imperial Japan, reforms of Poland and the Baltic States). 
    • Public policy and public management in conditions of hybrid threats. 
    • Social integration of ethnic Russian-speaking Ukrainians, their heritage, memories, and
      identity into the Ukrainian identity in opposition to Russian and Soviet imperial domination and propaganda. 
    • Management of social conflicts. 
  • Expected Results and Impact
    • Development of a program for the study of national identity, social conflict management, mechanisms for countering hybrid threats, democratization, and institutional changes, which can become a pioneering program for developing a post-conflict society. In addition, the program can become a nucleus for strengthening the narratives of national identity and the nation-state as critical factors of national security in the context of globalization and the development of the information society. 
    • The program aims to implement practical measures that combine the support of the Ukrainian scientific community. This is development amid war and support for integration strategies of war-torn regions through narratives of democratization and institutional development. 
  • Agreements

The Core Group 

  • Scientific Director - Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner
    • Chair for Systematic Theology and Ethics, Faculty of Theology
    • Director of the Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS)
    • President of the International Association for Reconciliation Studies


  • Scientific Director - Prof. Dr. Ludmila Belova
    • Doctor of Sociological Sciences
    • Director of Institute of Public Administration, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


  • Scientific Director - Prof. Dr. Toyomi Asano
    • Professor in the Dept. of Political science and economics in Waseda University in Tokyo
    • Visiting Fellow at Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University 1994- 1995
    • Yenching Institute of Harvard University, Visiting Scholar
  • Executive Director - Binyamin Gurstein


    • Ph.D. Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena: Dissertation title: Hybrid War & Media Confrontation in Russian-Ukrainian Conflict 2014-2019. Ways of Reconciliation and Creating a Peaceful Relation.
    • MA, Bar-Ilan University (Israel) Political Science, and Public Policy.
    • BA, Bar-Ilan University (Israel) Political Science.


    • Executive Director - Public Policy and Institutional Change in the Middle of Conflict Project – The Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS), Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena & Education and Scientific Institute of Public Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
    • Guest Lecturer - Central Welfare Board of Jews in Germany – ZWST: Jewish Identity, Diaspora and Israel.
    • Guest Lecturer - UAPP - Ukrainian Association for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy.

    Previous Positions

    • International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS): Secretary/Editor.
      Editorial Tasks, CCPRSP Journal: Responsible for reviewing content and developing strategies and style guidelines. 
    • Guest Lecturer, General Organization of Workers in Israel, Ministry of Social Affairs in Israel.
    • Representative of the Workers Committee: Labour Union of Government.
    • Project Manager Immigrant Integration - IFCJ - International Fellowship of Christians and Jews & Ministry of Education Israel.

    Editorial Board Membership

    • 2022 - Co-editor, “Critical & Cultural Perspectives for Reconciliation Studies and Practices” Volume 1, October 2022.
    • 2021 - Co-editor, “Reconciliation and Peace” (in the publishing process) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    • 2020 - Co-Editor, “Interdisciplinary Approaches in Peace Studies”. David Schwartz, Daniel Galily, Binyamin Gurstein (ed.) University for National and World Economy: UNWE Publishing House: Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 9786192323431.
    • 2019 - Co-Editor, “A collection of scholarly papers in social science”. UNWE PUBLISHING COMPLEXISBN: ISBN 978-619-232-246-5.
    • 2018 - Co-Editor, “Education and Law.” David Schwartz, Daniel Galily, Binyamin Gurstein (ed.) УНСС. ISBN: 9786192322144.
    • 2018 - Assistant-Editor, “Management Human Resources and Law”. China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL).

    Select Publications

    • Leiner, M., Gurstein, B. (2020). Hybrid War and Media Confrontation In The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict. From: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Peace Studies. Schwartz, D., Gurstein., B., Galily, D. (editors) University of National and World Economy: Sofia, Bulgaria.
    • Gurstein, B. (2019). Is there “Black Panther” Movement in Israel? Protests of Ethiopian Jews - Sources of Conflict and Policy Implications. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 2019, 5, 10-25. Toronto, Canada.
    • Gurstein., B. (2019). E-Democracy and Information Society. Sixth International Conference on e-Democracy & e-Government (ICEDEG). Doi: 10.1109/ICEDEG.2019.8734299.
    • Gurstein, B. (2020). Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) New Ways for Economic Consolidation of The Post-Soviet Countries. Global Business & Economics Anthology (GBEA), March 2020, Volume I., 2020: Worcester, US.

    Select Conferences

    • 2022 - Conference Coordinator: Third World Conference on Reconciliation, Washington DC.
    • 2021 - Conference Coordinator: World Conference on Reconciliation Tokyo 2021, Waseda University.
    • 2021 - Conference Discussant: The Development of Reconciliation Studies in East Asia, Waseda University (Tokyo) International Association for Reconciliation Studies (IARS).
    • 2020 - Conference Coordinator: Reconciliation in Ukrainian-Russian Conflict, International Association for Reconciliation Studies, Jena University, George Mason University.
    • 2019 - Conference speaker: International Conference on e-Democracy & e-Government (ICEDEG): Quito, Ecuador. Report: E-Democracy and Information Society.


    Ukrainian; English; Hebrew; Russian; German.


  • Executive Director - Dr. habil. Tеtiana Kovalоva


    • H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, specialty «Ukrainian language and literature».
    • H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, specialty "Lawyer, teacher of law disciplines".doctoral studies at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

    Scientific degrees

    • Сandidate of Philological Sciences, specialty «Ukrainian language».
      Doctor of Public Administration, specialty "Theory and History of Public Administration".
    • Council of Europe program "Strengthening the institutional capacity of local self-government officials in Ukraine (2014-2015).
    • The second UNDP anti-corruption school (2016)


    • Associate Professor of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Institute of Public Administration, Law, National Security and European Integration chair.
    • Executive Director in Public Policy and Institutional Change in the Middle of Conflict Project, The Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS), Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena & Education and Scientific Institute of Public Administration, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
    • Visiting researcher in Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena.
    • Member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works “Pressing Problem of Public Administration”, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

    Previous Positions

    • Associate Professor of Law and Law-Making Process chair of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

    Social activities

    • The regional expert of the Active Citizens' Workshop of the Center for Democracy and the Rule of Law CEDEM (Public Union "Resuscitation Reform Package"), anti-corruption trainer for local self-government officials, deputies of local councils and public activists of the Kharkiv region.
    • Co-organizer and trainer of the programs "Sustainable Community Development and Ways to Attract International Technical Assistance", conducted for local government officials in eastern Ukraine in the framework of the project of the Consortium for Improving Management Education in Ukraine "Reconciliation in Ukrainian society: from the energy of protest to the energy of creation", supported by the British government.
    • Co-organizer and trainer of the programs "Mechanisms for Working with Internally Displaced Persons to Resolve Conflict Situations in Local Communities", conducted for local government officials in eastern Ukraine in the framework of the project of the Consortium for Improving Management Education in Ukraine "Reconciliation in Ukrainian society: from the energy of protest to the energy of creation", supported by the British government.

    Select Publications

    Monograph, including co-authorship

    • [State language policy of Ukraine: modern social challenges: monograph]. Харків : вид-во ХарРІ НАДУ “Магістр”, 2020. 396 с. [Kharkiv, publishing house of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine "Master", 2020. 396 p].
    • Ковальова Т.В. Юридичне визначення інформації, що становить суспільний інтерес, у контексті забезпечення права на доступ до публічної інформації» [“Legal definition of socially necessary information in the context of ensuring the right of access to public information”]. Управлінські, правові та соціально-економічні аспекти імплементації acquis communautaire у діяльності органів публічної влади України: монографія. Харків : вид-во ХарРІ НАДУ «Магістр», 2021. 204 с. (у співавт.) [Management, legal and socio-economic aspects of the implementation of the acquis communautaire in the activities of public authorities of Ukraine: a monograph (co-authored). 


    • Ковальова Т.В. Право в державному управлінні. Теорія держави і права [Law in public administration. Theory of state and law]. Харків.: «Магістр», 2014. 106 с. [Kharkiv, publishing house of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine "Master", 2014].
    • Ковальова Т.В. Організаційно-правове забезпечення сучасної антикорупційної політики [Organizational and legal support of modern anti-corruption policy]. Х.: Вид-во ХарРІ НАДУ «Магістр», 2015. 252 с. [Kharkiv, publishing house of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine "Master", 2015] (co-authored with S. Klimova).


    • Ковальова Т.В. Правова інституціалізація публічного управління в умовах суспільних трансформацій [Legal institutionalization of public administration in conditions of social transformations]. Актуальні проблеми державного управління /Pressing Problem of Public Administration. 2022. 1 (60). С. 78-91.
    • Kovalyova T. V. Political and legal aspects of state language policy formation: Czech experience for Ukraine. Public management. 2020. №2 (22). S. 76-90.
    • Ковальова Т.В. Застосування принципів acquis communautaire у процесі реалізації державної мовної політики України щодо національних меншин (на прикладі угорської національної меншини). Вісник Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України К.: НАДУ. 2020. № 1. С. 70-79. [Application of acquis communautaire principles in the process of implementation of the state language policy of Ukraine regarding national minorities (on the example of the Hungarian national minority). Herald of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Kyiv]. Ковальова Т.В. Сучасні методики вимірювання та оцінювання корупції. Державне будівництво. 2018. №2. [Modern methods of measuring and evaluating corruption. State construction. 2018. №2].
    • Kovalova T. Problems of implementation of the European charter for regional and minority languages by Ukraine. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. 2018 № 8(3). P. 38-44. 
    • Kovalova T. V. The Typology of the language policy in the contemporary conditions of the state development. Актуальні проблеми державного управління/Pressing Problem of Public Administration. 2020. №1 (57). С. 301-307.
    • Kovalyova T. (co-authorship). Development of Public Administration Ukraine in the field of State Security and Protection of Public Order (co-authorship: Rasiuk E., Sopilnyk R., Melnychuk N., Kozhyna). International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, March 2022. Vol. 22. No. 3 pp. 557-564.

    Select Conferences

    • Kovalova T. The language Factor of Formation of Humanitarian Space of Ukraine under the Conditions of Threats. Network Meeting Ukraine. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. December 9-10 2022. 
    • Kovalova T. Modern Ukrainian Science: Challenges of Wartime. IARS - World Conference on Reconciliation, Washington, DC 2022 August 18-20, 2022, Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University.
    • Ковальова Т.В. Роль Лісабонського договору в юридичному закріпленні прав людини в Європейському Союзі. Європейський Союз після Лісабонського договору: від трьохопорної структури до конституціоналізму: мат-ли Всеукраїнського круглого столу. В межах проєкту Еразмус+ Модулі Жана Моне Європейська політична інтеграція: історична ретроспектива та сучасність [The role of the Lisbon Treaty in the legal consolidation of human rights in the European Union. The European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon: from the three-pillar structure to constitutionalism: materials of the All-Ukrainian Round Table. Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project Jean Monnet modules European political integration: historical retrospect and modernity. Glukhiv, May 20, 2022]. Глухів, 20 травня 2022 року. С. 45-49. 
    • Ковальова Т. Державна мовна політика як інструмент формування національної ідентичності. Державно-управлінські аспекти формування національної ідентичності України: мат-ли конференції 26 грудня 2019 року. [State language policy as a tool for forming national identity. State-management aspects of the formation of the national identity of Ukraine: materials of the conference on December 26, 2019]. Львів: ЛРІ НАДУ, 2019. С. 20-22. Lviv.


    Ukrainian, Russian, English.


  • Research Associate - Prof. Dr. Viacheslav Dziundziuk


    • Ukrainian Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (Kharkiv branch), specialty – public administration (1996-1997).
    • Kharkiv Institute of Radio-electronics, specialty – applied mathematics (1985-1992).
    • George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies – PASS (2008).

    Current position

    • Head of Public Policy Chair, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Institute of Public Administration.

    Previous Positions

    • Professor of Public Policy Chair, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (2021-2023).
    • Head of Political Sciences and Philosophy Chair, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2011-2021).
    • Professor of Political Sciences and Philosophy Chair, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2010-2011).
    • Deputy Director in Scientific Activity, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2009-2010).
    • Head of Political Sciences and Philosophy Chair, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2006-2009).
    • Professor of Public Administration and Management Chair, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine of Ukraine (2003-2006).


    • University of North London, faculty of social and political sciences (1997).
    • London Metropolitan University, faculty of social and political sciences (2007).
    • Tianjin Administrative Institute (2008).
    • George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (2008).
    • Wroclaw University (2015).
    • Berlin School of Economics and Law (2018).

    Select Publications


    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk, Olena Krutii, Roman Sobol, Tetiana Kotukova, Oleksandr Kotukov. Improved Planning  of  Information  Policy  in  the  Cyber  Security  Sphere  under  Conditions  of  Hybrid Threats. Cuestiones Políticas.  2022. 40(74). Pp. 741-763. 
    • Dziundziuk , V.B., Kotukh, Y.V., Krutii, O.M., Solovykh, V.P., & Kotukov, O.A. State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect). Cuestiones Políticas. 2021. 39(71). Pp. 166-186. 
    • Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Oleksandr A. Kotukov, Dmytro V. Hryn, Eugene V. Kotukh Spread of virtual communities as a potential threat to national security and sustainable well-being. Rivista Di Studi Sulla Sostenibilita. 2020.  Issue 2. Pp. 7-18. 
    • Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk. Spread of virtual communities as a potential threat to national security / Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Oleksandr A. Kotukov, Dmytro V. Hryn, Eugene V. Kotukh. Rivista Di Studi Sulla Sostenibilita. 2020. Issue 2. Pp. 7-18
    • Дзюндзюк В. Б. Публічне управління в Україні: рух з минулого у майбутнє.  Актуальні проблеми державного управління. 2019. № 1. С. 8-18.
    • Дзюндзюк В. Б. Вплив глобалізації на сучасну державу. Державне будівництво. 2018. Режим доступу :
    • Дзюндзюк В. Б. Україна у сучасному світі: потенціал і можливості. Новий колегіум. 2017. № 4. С. 4-7.
    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk. A War of Words. Per Concordiam. Journal of European Security and Defense Issues. 2015. Vol. 6. Issue 1. P. 50–55.
    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk. Stopping Cyberterror. Per Concordiam. Journal of European Security and Defense Issues. 2011. Vol. 2. Issue 2. P. 17–21.
    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk. Possibilities and Threats Caused by the Development of Information Society. Research papers of Kaunas University of Technology “Public Policy and Administration”. 2010. Nr. 33. P. 9–22.
    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk. The Formulation Mechanism of Anti-crisis Strategy for the Local Authority. Journal of Tianjin Administrative Institute. 2008. Vol. 10. № 4. P. 62–65.


    • Ukrainian, Russian, English.


  • Research Associate - Prof. Dr. Dmytro Karamyshev


    • Kharkiv State Medical University General Medicine, Medical Specialist
    • Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of State Administration of the President of Ukraine / Public Administration, Master's degree
    • Classical private university, Zaporizhzhia / Applied Economics, Master's degree


    • Full Professor of the Department of Disaster and Military Medicine at Poltava State Medical University, Poltava
    • Full Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Policy, Institute of Public Administration, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv (2021-present)

    Previous positions

    • Prime Deputy Director of Scientific and Pedagogical Activities of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of State Administration of the President of Ukraine (2015-2021)
    • "Medical Insurance in Ukraine" Project, European Business Association (EBA) (Chief Project Expert) (2008-2009)
    • Project for developing an occupational standard and curriculum for Bachelor training in Public Management and Administration: The National Academy of State Administration of the President of Ukraine and National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service in collaboration with the Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) (Federal Republic of Germany) and the German-Ukrainian School of Management (GUSG E.V.) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (Project Manager) (2015-2017)
    • Erasmus+ international cooperation project: WARN 610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Academic Response to Hybrid Threats" (based on the Regulations on the implementation of programs and management of grant funds of the EU Erasmus+ program (from 11/15/2019 till 14/10/2023) (Project Manager) (2019-present)
    • Project for public manager training under the DOBRE Program. "Management in Local Self-government Bodies in Ukraine" postgraduate certified program / Malopolska School of Public Administration, Cracow University of Economics (Project Manager) (2019-2022)
    • Project under the Joint Degree Program for training Masters of Public Management and Administration / National Academy of Public Administration & Mykolas Romeris University (Republic of Lithuania)

    Positions in professional public associations

    • Executive Director of the All-Ukrainian Public Association "Health of the Nation Union of Public Organizations", Kyiv (2006-2007)
    • Advisory Board Member of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Health Care (Legislative Initiatives Sector), Kyiv (2007-2013)
    • Chairman of the regional branch of the Association of Doctors of Science in Public Administration, Kharkiv (2008-2014)
    • Vice President of the All-Ukrainian Public Association "Ukrainian Medical and Legal Association", Kyiv (2009-2016)
    • Health Care Consultant to the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2013-2017)
    • Member of the NGO "All-Ukrainian Association of Doctors of Science in Public Administration" (2022-present).


  • Research Associate - Dr. Mykhailo Bilokon


    • Ph.D. in Public Administration since 2017, dissertation title: Democratic state-building in Ukraine under globalization conditions
    • Master of Public Administration since 2011, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
    • Specialist qualification in «Organization Management» since 2008, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
    • Specialist qualification in «Ecology and environmental protection» since 2007, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»


    • Associate Professor of Law, National Security and European Integration сhair, Institute of Public Administration of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

    Previous Positions

    • 01.09.2022 – until now - asociate Professor of Law, National Security and European Integration сhair, Institute of Public Administration of V. N. Karazin.
    • 09.01.2021 – 08.31.2022 – senior lecturer of Law, National Security and European Integration сhair, Institute of Public Administration of V. N. Karazin.
    • 09.01.2018 – 08.31.2021 – Associate Professor of Law and European Integration сhair of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
    • 09.01.2016 – 08.31.2018 – senior lecturer of Law and European Integration сhair of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

    Select Publications

    • Bilokonʹ M.V. Filosofiya publichnoho upravlinnya v konteksti yevropeysʹkoyi intehratsiyi. Filosofiya publichnoho upravlinnya : kol. monohr. / V. P. Solovykh na in. ; nauk. red. V. P. Solovykh. Kyyiv : NADU, 2020. 256 s. S. 219–239.
    • Bilokonʹ M.V. Yevropeysʹkyy vymir hlobalʹnoyi bezpeky: znachennya dlya Ukrayiny. Aktualʹni problemy derzhavnoho upravlinnya, №2, 30.10.2020 r. URL:ʹ M.V. Demokratiya v konteksti acquis communautaire: politychni aspekty yevropeysʹkoyi intehratsiyi. Upravlinsʹki, pravovi ta sotsialʹno-ekonomichni aspekty implementatsiyi acquis communautaire u diyalʹnosti orhaniv publichnoyi vlady Ukrayiny. Za zah. red.. doktoriv yurydychnykh nauk L.YU. Velychko ta S.M. Klimovoyi. Kharkiv : Vyd-vo KharRI NADU «Mahistr», 2021. S. 26-37.
    • Bilokonʹ M.V. Yevropeysʹka intehratsiya v konteksti hlobalʹnykh vyklykiv ta hibrydnykh zahroz. Yevrointehratsiynyy vektor rozvytku ta realizatsiya natsionalʹnykh interesiv Ukrayiny: monohrafiya / [D.V. Karamyshev, N.V. Myrna, L.YU. Velychko ta in.]; za zah. red.. d.derzh.upr., prof. D.V. Karamysheva.-KH.:Vyd-vo KharRI NADU «Mahistr», 2021. S. 48-58.
    • International Investment Activity in the Context of the Foreign Relations of Ukraine with Countries of the European Union / Oleksii Kulakov, Irina Babiy, Anatolii Havryliak, Mykhailo Bilokon, Olene Dikan, Tetyana Miroshnichenko. Studies of Applied Economics, Vol. 39 No. 7 (2021): Special Issue: Impact of Current Trends in Social Commerce, Economics, and Business Analytics. URL: (Scopus).
    • Bilokonʹ M.V. Demokratiya v konteksti acquis communautaire: politychni aspekty yevropeysʹkoyi intehratsiyi. Upravlinsʹki, pravovi ta sotsialʹno-ekonomichni aspekty implementatsiyi acquis communautaire u diyalʹnosti orhaniv publichnoyi vlady Ukrayiny. Za zah. red.. doktoriv yurydychnykh nauk L.YU. Velychko ta S.M. Klimovoyi. Kharkiv : Vyd-vo KharRI NADU «Mahistr», 2021. S. 26-37.
    • Bilokonʹ M.V. Yevropeysʹka intehratsiya v konteksti hlobalʹnykh vyklykiv ta hibrydnykh zahroz. Yevrointehratsiynyy vektor rozvytku ta realizatsiya natsionalʹnykh interesiv Ukrayiny: monohrafiya / [D.V. Karamyshev, N.V. Myrna, L.YU. Velychko ta in.]; za zah. red.. d.derzh.upr., prof. D.V. Karamysheva.-KH.:Vyd-vo KharRI NADU «Mahistr», 2021. S. 48-58.
    • Bilokonʹ M.V. Formuvannya yevropeysʹkoyi ta yevroatlantychnoyi perspektyvy Ukrayiny u konteksti realizatsiyi natsionalʹnykh interesiv. Derzhavne budivnytstvo. 2021. URL: link.

    Select Conferences

    • 2021 – Conference Discussant: Publichne upravlinnya KHKHI stolittya: pohlyad u maybutnye : zb. Tez XKHI Mizhnar. nauk. konhresu. KH. : Vyd-vo KharRI NADU “Mahistr”, 2021. Za rezulʹtatamy konferentsiy opublikovano tezy «Politychna vidpovidalʹnistʹ za realizatsiyu publichnoyi polityky v YES pid chas kryz».
    • 2020 – Conference Discussant: «Publichne upravlinnya KHKHI st.: portal mozhlyvostey» : tezy KHKH Mizhnarodnoho naukovoho konhresu, 23 kvitnya 2020. Za rezulʹtatamy konferentsiy opublikovano tezy «Yevropeysʹka intehratsiya v konteksti hlobalʹnykh vyklykiv ta hibrydnykh zahroz».
    • 2019 – Conference Discussant: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference Eastern European Conference of Management and Economics, May 24, 2019 / [organizer] Ljubljana School of Business, coorganizer of the Conference Odesa Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, (Odesa, Ukraine); editors Lidija Weis, Viktor Koval. – Ljubljana: Ljubljana School of Business, 2019. За результатами конференцій опубліковано тези «Ways of increasing the efficiency of public policy on environmental protection».


    • Ukrainian; English; Russian.


  • Research Associate - Dr. Oleksander Kotukov


    • V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University – sociology (1992-1997).

    Scientific degrees

    • Candidate of Sociological Sciences.
    • Associated professor.

    Current position

    • Associated Professor of Public Policy Chair, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Institute of Public Administration.

    Previous Position

    • Associated Professor of Political Sciences and Philosophy Chair, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (2007-2021).
    • UNDP individual national expert on the development of a model of optimization of the distribution of functional duties of local administrations (2019).
    • UNDP individual national expert on the development of a model of optimization of the distribution of functional duties of local administrations (2020).
    • UNDP Individual National Expert on Functional Analysis: Assessment and Review of Management Systems and Organizational Development Plan for Kurakhove TC (2021).
    • Erasmus + project “WARN. Academic response to hybrid threats” (2019 - incl.).

    Select Publications


    • Kotukov O. A. Philosophy and psychology of public power: a monograph / V. B. Dzіundzіuk, B. V. Dzіundzіuk, O. A. Kotukov et al. – Kharkiv: "Magister", 2017. – 390 p. [ukr]


    • Kotukov O. A. Basics of information and analytical activity in public administration / V.B. Dziundziuk, O.A. Kotukov, T.V. Kuznyakova. – Kharkiv: "Magister", 2015. – 226 p. [ukr]
    • Kotukov O. A. State information policy / V. B. Dziundziuk, O. A. Kotukov, V. A. Landsman et al. – Kharkiv: "Magister", 2012. – 344 p. [ukr]
    • Kotukov O. A. Political modernization / V. B. Dziundziuk, O. V. Radchenko, O. A. Kotukov. – Kharkiv: "Magister", 2010. – 400 p. [ukr]


    • Viacheslav Dziundziuk, Olena Krutii, Roman Sobol, Tetiana Kotukova, Oleksandr Kotukov. Improved Planning  of  Information  Policy  in  the  Cyber  Security  Sphere  under  Conditions  of  Hybrid Threats. Cuestiones Políticas.  2022. 40(74). Pp. 741-763.
    • Dziundziuk , V.B., Kotukh, Y.V., Krutii, O.M., Solovykh, V.P., & Kotukov, O.A. State Information Security Policy (Comparative Legal Aspect). Cuestiones Políticas. 2021. 39(71). Pp. 166-186.
    • Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Oleksandr A. Kotukov, Dmytro V. Hryn, Eugene V. Kotukh Spread of virtual communities as a potential threat to national security and sustainable well-being. Rivista Di Studi Sulla Sostenibilita. 2020.  Issue 2. Pp. 7-18.
    • Kotukov O.A., Ushakova M.V. Increasing the accessibility of residents of united territorial communities to quality social services. Actual problems of public administration. 2020. No. 1 (57). P. 144-149. [ukr]
    • Kotukov O.A. Transformation of functions of local authorities in conditions of decentralization. State building. 2019. No. 2. Available at: [ukr]
    • Kotukov O.A. Peculiarities of the impact of globalization on modern social relations and public service in Ukraine. Efficiency of public administration. Vol. 2 (55). 2018. P. 69 – 77. [ukr]
    • Kotukov O.A. Political and administrative networks as a factor in the modernization of public administration. Public administration and local self-government. 2014. Issue 2. P. 119-128. [ukr]
    • Kotukov A.A. Informal communication as a tool for increasing the efficiency of public administration in the context of the development of a network society. Authority and society (History, theory, practice). 2014. No. 3 (31). P.188-198. [ukr]


    • Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish.


  • Research Associate - Dr. Vladislav Dimitrov


    • Kyiv National University “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,” Kyiv, Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).
    • Faculty: Sociology and law. Specialization: Department of Sociology, political science, and social philosophy. Dissertation: Management as an object of philosophical reflection. 
    • Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv, Ukraine, master’s Degree. Faculty: Political science. Specialization: Practical political science department. 


    • Associate Professor of the Social sciences Department, Kyiv institute of business and technology, (“KIBIT”) Kyiv, Ukraine;
    • Associate Professor of the Media and Communication Department, New Bulgarian University (“NBU”), Sofia, Bulgaria.
      Previous positions.
    • Kyiv National University “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” – social sciences. Faculty of sociology and law, department of political science, sociology and social work.
    • Consulting agency “PR-shop” - Public relations, management, marketing, consulting, advertising.
    • Consulting agency “Zlato Skifiv” – political researches, consulting.
    • JSC «Corporation Energotransinvest» - international trade, external economic activity. 

    Positions in Professional Public Associations

    • Collaborated with Erasmus Plus, British Councill, Freie Universitat Berlin, Jena Center of reconciliations studies.
    • A political scientist with practical election experience.
    • Published more than 50 scientific papers.


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Our Partners

National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

  • Prof. Dr. Andriy Girnyk


    • Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Dissertation title: Methodological aspects of the formation of creative thinking among student youth (1982).
    • Specialist, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Philosopher, teacher of philosophical disciplines (1972).


    • Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,  National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
    • Head of the Center for the Study of Conflicts and Psychoanalysis, National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
    • Visiting Professor of the International UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Peace, Democracy, Tolerance and International  Understanding,  National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
    • President of the Ukrainian Conflict Resolution Association
    • Invited lecturer,  Kyiv Regional Center for Advanced Training of Civil Servants

    Previous Positions

    • Head of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Conflict Studies , National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”,
    • Professor of the Department of Psychology, National Defense Academy of Ukraine.
    • Senior lecturer of the Department of Philosophical Questions of Biology and Medicine, Kyiv Institute of Advanced Training of Doctors.
    • Senior researcher, Institute of Psychology (Kyiv)

    Editorial Board Membership

    • 2013 - 2023 - editor of the collection of materials of the international conference "Conflictological expertise: theory and methodology"
    • 2004 - 2014 - chairman of the editorial board of the thematic issue "Pedagogical, psychological sciences and social work". Scientific notes of NaUKMA
    • 1997 - 2008 - chief editor of the collection. "Conflictology expertise: theory and methodology". Issue 1 - 6.

    Select Publications

    • Girnyk, Andriy; Krylova-Grek, Yuliya; Khan, Azizuddin (2021) A PSYCHOLINGUISTIC CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY  OF THE CONCEPT ‘CONFLICT’ IN INDIA AND UKRAINE/East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 8(2), 51–65
    • Bogdanov, Sergiy, Andriy Girnyk, Vira Chernobrovkina, Volodymyr Chernobrovkin, Alexander Vinogradov, Kateryna Harbar, Yuliya Kovalevskaya, Basenko, OksanaIvanyuk, Irina, Hook, Kimberly, Wessells, Mike  . 2021.  Developing a Culturally Relevant Measure of Resilience for War-Affected Adolescents in Eastern Ukraine./ Journal on Education in Emergencies 7 (2): 311-34
    • Singh, N. S., Bogdanov, S., Doty, B., Haroz, E., Girnyk, A., Chernobrovkina, V., Murray, L. K., Bass, J. K., & Bolton, P. A. (2021, April 26). Experiences of Mental Health and Functioning Among Conflict-Affected Populations: A Qualitative Study With Military Veterans and Displaced Persons in Ukraine. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
    • Girnyk A. Soziale und psychologische Grundlagen der Konfliktsteuerung // Die Förderung der Rule of law durch außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung : Deutschland, Polen, Ukraine / Tina de Vries (Hrsg.). – Berlin : Peter Lang, [2018]. – S. 185–194.
    • Andriy Girnyk, Yulia Donets, Sergiy Bogdanov, Victoriya Solovyova, Lyudmyla Romanenko  Explorative Study of Psychosocial Stress Factors that Cause Professional Burnout Among Teachers, Who Leave Near the Front-Line Zone in the East of Ukraine // Mental Health Global Challenges XXI Century MHGC Proceedings. – Rome, 2018
    • Girnyk A. Fundamentals of conflictology. - K., 2010 (in Ukrainian).

    Select Conferences

    • The international conference "Conflictological expertise: theory and methodology" (2023)  
    • All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Qualitative research in psychology: problems and solutions" (2022)
    • The Chance for Science. University Leipzig.  (2022).


    Ukrainian; English


  • Dr. habil. Marharyta Chabanna


    • Doctor of Science, Kuras Institute of political and ethnic studies, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
    • PhD National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
    • MA National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Political Science
    • BA National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Economics


    • Head of Political science department, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
    • Co-chair of double-degree Master programme “German and European studies”, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Friedrich Shiller University, Jena
    • Chair of Master programme in Anti-corruption studies, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”

    Previous Positions

    • Associate Fellow, Elliott School of International Relations, George Washington University
    • Associate Professor, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
      Deputy dean of the Faculty of social sciences and social technologies, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
    • Lecturer, National University “Ostroh Academy”

    Editorial Board Membership

    • Co-editor, “Emporio”, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
    • Section editor, “Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal”
      2008 - 2015 Executive secretary, “Magisterium. Political studies”, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
    • 2009 Member of Advisory board, “Eurolimes” (Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen “Jean Monnet” European Center of Excellence)

    Select Publications

    • Chabanna M. Political opportunism in decision-making in the field of state budgeting during economic crisis in Ukraine (2008-2009). Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019. 368 p.
    • Marharyta Chabanna. Government’s policy during the financial crisis of 2008-2009 in Ukraine: mitigating the social impact of economic recession. Facta Simonidis. 2016. № 1(9). P. 191–202. (In English)
    • Chabanna Margaryta. Cross-Border Governance in the Carpathian Euroregion: Institutional Dimension of Decision-Making. Eurolimes. Cross-Border Governance and the Borders Evolutions. 2013. №16. P. 79-93. (In English) 
    • Margarita Chabanna. Metodele formării conştiinţei sociale în statul totalitar: Rolul manipulării psihologice. Arhivele Totalitarismului. Anul XXI. Vol. 3-4/2013. Nr. 80-81. P. 179-195. (In Romanian)
    • Margaryta Chabanna. The Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue in the Carpathian Euroregion States (Involvement of Civil Society in the Implementation of a Cultural Policy). Eurolimes (Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen ”Jean Monnet” European Center of Excellence): Intercultural Dialogue and the European Space / edited by Cristina-Maria Dogot, Gyula Szabo & Esther Gimeno Ugalde, references by Chantal Millon-Delsol, Thomas Wilson. Volume 6, Autumn 2008, Oradea-Debrecen: Oradea University Press. Pp. 45-62 (pgs 210). (In English)
    • Margarita Chabanna. Psychological preconditions of totalitarianism and their effect on democratic transformations in European states. Eurolimes (Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen ”Jean Monnet” European Center of Excellence): From Exclusive Borders to Inclusive Frontiers / edited by Gerard Delanty,
    • Dana Pantea & Teperics Karoly, references by Robert Bideleux & Thomas Lunden. 2007. Volume 4. Oradea-Debrecen: Oradea University Press. Pp. 148-162 (pgs. 196). (In English) 
    • Marharyta Czabanna. “Współczesne ukraińskie partie ultraprawicowe”. Nowa Ukraina. Zeszyty historyczno – politologiczne. Pod redakcją Jarosława Moklaka. Kraków, 2006/2. 136-146. (In Polish)

    Select Conferences

      • “Resilience amidst Conflict(s): Migration, Gender, and Governance”, Paris Ludron Salzburg University, Austria (April 2023), 
      • "Comparative Aspects of Remembrance, Memory Politics and Inter-State Conflict: Eastern, Southeastern Europe and the Middle East", NaUKMA, Friedrich Shiller University, the S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies of Tel Aviv University (December 2021),
      • “Development of anti-corruption education: a model for the region”, Open Society Foundation and the International Renaissance Foundation, Kyiv (January 2020),
        “Academy of leadership in internationalization”, American Council for International Education, Kyiv, Ukraine (December 2019),
      • Participation in training “Structuring cooperation in doctoral research, transferable skills training, and academic writing instruction in Ukraine’s region / DocHub”, organized by National academy of pedagogics of Ukraine, Kyiv (January 2018),
      • "Eastern Platform,  All Quiet on the Western Front? EU-Russia Relations in the Age of Populisms", Tartu, Estonia (April 2018),
      • “Internationalization of higher education institutions – Translating Theory into Practice”, Bonn, Germany (January 2018),
      • “Innovating  Teaching  and Learning European Studies”, Kyiv, Ukraine (June 2016),
        Sixth  Annual  CEERCR  Research  Forum, University of Glasgow, UK (May 2013)


Corioli Institute

  • Prof. Dr. Erin K. McFee


    • Ph.D., The University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development 2019
    • M.A., The University of Chicago, Department of Comparative Human Development 2014
    • M.B.A., Simmons College School of Management (SOM) 2008
    • B.S., Business Administration, Finance, Boston University 2002
    • Executive Education, Harvard Kennedy School Climate Change and Energy: Policymaking for the Long Term 2023
    • Executive Education, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies-Geneva Development Policies and Practices: Conflict and Fragility Management 2022
    • Executive Education, Harvard Kennedy SchoolLeadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Chang


    • Founder and President of the Corioli Institute
    • UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science
    • Professor of Practice, Willilam J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies.
    • Specialist, United Nations Agency for Migration - Program for Reintegration and Prevention of Recruitment, Monitoring & EvaluationBogotá – Colombia

    Previous Positions

    • Scholar-in-Residence - Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution George Mason University – Arlington, VA USA.
    • Deputy Director - Irregular Warfare InitiativeJoint initiative between the Modern War Institute at West Point and Empirical Studies of Conflict atPrinceton University.
    • Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Anthropology - The University of Chicago, Chicago - USA
    • Research Intern, United Nations Agency for Migration.
    • Research Project Lead, Unpaid Intern, Colombian Agency for Reintegration - Bogotá, Barranquilla, Cúcuta, – Colombia.


    • “Trust after Betrayal: Global development interventions in contexts of organized violence”.
    • “Veteran Actual: Separation and Transition to Civilian Life among Military Affiliated Populations in theUnited States”.
    • “Trust & Peacebuilding Network” 
    • Veterans Restorative Justice Project – The University of Chicago Office for Military AffiliatedCommunities (OMAC)”

    Select Publications

    Under Revision and Review

    • McFee, E. (Revise and Resubmit). Performance, recognition, and betrayal: Regime-level responses to thewicked problem of ex-combatant reintegration in Colombia.Organization Studies.
    • McFee, E. (Revise and Resubmit). Reconceptualizing Stateness. American Anthropologist .
    • McFee, E., Livermore, D., & Rogers, N. (Under Review). Formerly armed actors (FAAs) in the not-quite-after of Colombia and Iraq: Reintegration as a strategic priority for irregular warfare. Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict .
    • McFee, E., & Livermore, D. (Under Review). Reintegrating the armies of the unprepared in Russia andUkraine: Pre-empting cycles of violence and emergent armed groups in contexts of irregular warfare.The RUSI Journal 

     Publications: Articles and Book Chapters

    • (2023) McFee, Erin K. “I’ve never told anyone that before …” in “Essay: Special Section: FieldworkConfessionals,” American Anthropologist.
    • (2023) Ahmann, C., Feser, A., Johnson, A.,McFee, E., & McLachlan, A. L. “Fieldwork confessionals.” American Anthropologist , Essay: Special Section: Fieldwork Confessionals.
    • (2021)McFee, Erin K . and María Cecilia Dedios “Masculinity and Moral Sonhood among Former Non-State Armed Group (NSAG) Members in Mexico and Colombia,” in Public Health, Mental Health, and Mass Atrocity Prevention(eds.) Alexandra Cain, Caitlin Mahoney, and Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum.Routledge: NY.
    • (2019)McFee, Erin K . and Angelika Rettberg. Excombatants and the Peace Accord with the FARC-EPin Colombia: Balance of the Early Phase. UniAndes Social Sciences: Bogotá, Colombia.
    • (2019)McFee, Erin K . and Angelika Rettberg “Introduction,” Excombatants and the Peace Accord withthe FARC-EP in Colombia: Balance of the Early Phase (eds.) Angelika Rettberg and Erin K. McFee.UniAndes Social Sciences: Bogotá, Colombia. (Spanish)
    • (2019)McFee, Erin K, Johnson, Kyle, and Mateo Adarve. “Learning to be in a post-accord Colombia:Intergroup relations in the transitional zones.” in Excombatants and the Peace Accord with the FARC-EP in Colombia: Balance of the Early Phase (eds.) Angelika Rettberg and Erin K. McFee. UniAndes SocialSciences: Bogotá, Colombia. (Spanish)
    • (2016) “The Contested Promise of Peace: Social Representations of Peace and the Posacuerdo Citizen-Subject in Colombia,” Psychology & Society,8(2), 8-26.
    • (2016). The Double Bind of “Playing Double”: Passing and Identity among Ex-Combatants in Colombia. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 22(1), 52-59.
    • (2012) Kim, T.,McFee, E.,Olguin, D., Waber, B., and Petland, A, “Sociometric Badges: Using SensorTechnology to Keep Pace with New Forms of Collaboration.” Journal of Organizational Behavior ,Winter Special Issue, 33(3), 412-427.
    • (2011) Warren, B., Sampson, S., andMcFee, E., “Business Schools: Ethics, Assurance of Learning andthe Future.”Organization Management Journal , Spring, Volume 8, 41-58.
    • (2010). Gardner, H.K. andE. McFee.“Utilizing Team Member Expertise under Pressure,” in Black, L.W. (Ed.)Group communication: Cases for analysis, appreciation, and application: 143-148. Dubuque,IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.

     Publications: Other 

    Select Conferences

    • Panelist, “Cutting the Supply Lines: Formerly Armed Actor (FAA) Reintegration as a StrategicImperative in Global Security Orders,” in the session “Terrorism and the International Order.” Organizedfor the conference: Order, Counter-Order, Disorder? Regional and Global Security Orders in the Shadowof Sino-American Competition, February 9-10, 2023, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY,USA. Conference proceedings integrated into theSpecial Report: The Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff(June 2023).
    • Panelist, “I’ve never told anyone this before…,” In the session “Fieldwork Confessionals Redux:Unsettling Ethnography” Session organized for the American Anthropological Association AnnualMeeting, November 9-13, 2022, Seattle, WA, USA.
    • Panelist, “Former belligerent Actors (FBAs) in the not-quite-after of Colombia and Iraq:The FBAIntegration Ecology Assessment Framework in contexts of irregular warfare,” In the session “Is irregularthe new regular?.” Session organized for the Future of War Conference, October 5-7, 2022, Amsterdam,The Netherlands.
    • Panelist & Discussant, “Manifest Measurement: How Organizations (Re)Produce Conflict inHumanitarian and Peacebuilding Interventions in Colombia” In the session “Peace, Polarization, andAccountability under Fire: Lessons from Colombia and Brazil about the Politics of Truth andRepresentation.” Session organized for the 120th AAA Annual Meeting (anthropology), November 18-21,2021, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
    • Organizer and panelist, “’Making a presence’: The political economy of scarcity in the citizen-stateencounter in Colombia.” In the session “Epistemic Knots in Contested Political Landscapes: WhatColombia and Brazil Can Teach Us about Populism and Post Truth Politics,” organized for the Raisingour VoicesAAA sessions November 9th, 2020. Virtual
    • Organizer and panelist, “Trust after War: Community interventions and the victim-excombatantencounter in Caquetá, Colombia.” Session organized for the 117th AAA Annual Meeting (anthropology), November 14-19, 2018, San Jose, California, USA.


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Public Policy and Institutional Change (PPIC)