Pebbles in different natural colors


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Pebbles in different natural colors
Image: Ir Solyanaya

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  1. Rim Assadi, Yaarah Bar-On, Francesco Ferrari, Martin Leiner and Davide Tacchini (from left) at the handover of the audio documents by Israeli peace activist Dan Bar-On.
    Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
  2. Rainbow
    Image: Ben Mack
  3. Wall of names at the Potočari genocide memorial near Srebrenica
    Image: Michael Büker
  4. Group photo at the GIGA Office in Berlin (6.6.2023)
    Image: German Institute for Global and Area Studies
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    • Martin-Buber-Forschungsstelle
    Eröffnung der Martin-Buber-Forschungsstelle Ein Rückblick
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