Dr. phil Iyad Muhsen AlDajani
Dr. Iyad Muhsen AlDajani
Image: privatContact Information
- Research Director for Peace and Reconciliation Studies in the MENA region. Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies;
- Post-Doc Research Fellow/ Applied Ethics, Faculty of Theology/ Department of Systematic Theology and Ethics;
- Project Manager for Erasmus Plus Project;
- ORCID digital profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1489-2551External link
Dr. Al-Dajani's holds a PhD from the University of Jena in Internet communication technologies for reconciliation. He is a specialist on Applied Phronesis in internet research methodologies and his research areas are in Applied Computer Science and Digital Humanities for reconciliation and peace education. He is an ICT application reconciliation studies educational scholar who earned a Bachelor's in Computer Sciences and was awarded a Certificate of Completion for the Executive Education Program in Cybersecurity: The Intersection of Policy and Technology Program, at John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, & Awarded a certificate of completion for the Leading in Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Technology and Policy Program from Harvard Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Executive Education. and Awarded a certificate from Oxford Artificial Intelligence program from Saïd Business School, the University of Oxford and a Reference Class Forecasting practitioner for the Oxford Global Projects Academy School, University of Oxford, a Master's in Regional and American Studies from the Al-Quds University. He then became a webmaster and obtained a Master's in a web-development certificate from HackerU in Tel-Aviv.
- Since 01/2020: Post-Doc Research Fellow, Chair Systematic Theology and Ethics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena;
- Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Science: “Dr. phil”. Research: Internet Communication Technology for Reconciliation: Applied Phronetic Netnography in Internet Research Methodologies (published book);
- Master of Arts Degree in Regional Studies minor American Studies from Al-Quds University;
- Bachelor of Science in computer science from Al-Quds University;
- Web-Development certificate from Tel Aviv University;
- Nvivo for Windows Expert – studies courses on Nvivo qualitative software;
- ICT4PEACE - Internet Communication Technology for Crisis Managment & Security;
- Seeds of Peace Certified Facilitator
- Certificate of Completion for the Executive Education Program in Cybersecurity: The Intersection of Policy and Technology Program, at John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
- Certificate of completion for the Leading in Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Technology and Policy Program from Harvard Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Executive Education
- Certificate from Oxford Artificial Intelligence program from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
- Reference Class Forecasting practitioner for the Oxford Global Projects Academy School, University of Oxford
Research Interests
- Project coordinator for the Academic Alliance for Reconciliation in the Middle East and North Africa / 2019 and 2020;
- Internet Communication Technologies for Reconciliation in the middle of conflict;
- Earsmus Plus Project: Strengthening of National Research Capacity on Policy, Conflict Resolution, and Reconciliation (PEACE);
- Applied Phronesis in Internet Communication Technologies;
- Applied Ethics in Big-Data;
- Digital Humanities in reconciliation studies and processes;
- Reconciliation in Islamic Ethics;
- Dialogue with the Islamic world. Applied Islamic ethics in reconciliation studies with Oberlin Collage;
- Artificial Intelligence for Reconciliation;
- Applied Phronesis in Internet Research Methodologies;
- Reconciliation in the Middle of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict;
- Project Manager for the Following Erasmus Plus Project:
1. Strengthening Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation studies in Palestine;
2. Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies in Jordan, Palestine, Algeria;
3. The Academic Alliance for Reconciliation in the Middle East and North Africa.
- The Graduate Academy course on Qualitative Analysis with Nvivo for windows tools and applications at FSU;
- Co-Supervising Master Students in computer science at the University of Jordan as an external supervisor;
- Computing Science and Digital Humanity, Master Program;
- Co-Teaching Master Students in computer science at the University of Jordan.
Select Events
- The Media Line Press and Policy Conference in Jerusalem https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Friedman-If-journalists-cant-get-Gaza-story-right-let-them-shut-up-559105External link ;
- Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) - Estonia 2017 - Canada 2018 - Australia- Award-winning Scholarships in 2018 and 2019 got an Awarded-Winning-Scholarship.
- AOIR Award Winning Travel Scholarship 2018: https://aoir.org/tsaoir2018idajani/https://aoir.org/tsaoir2018idajani/External link
- AOIR Award-Winning Scholarship Travel 2019 https://aoir.org/tsaoir2019aldajani/External link
- Association of Internet Researchers 2019 at Queensland Institute of Technology;
- The International Human Rights Film Festival 2020 in Tunisia, in the Panel of The Last Sermon Movie documentary and the Panel of The Rebellion Culture;
- Interview by The Media Line:
- ‘Reconciliation is a missing element in the search for Mideast Peace,” Dr. AlDajani Said. https://themedialine.org/tag/iyad-al-dajani/External link
- Partner in Winning the Award of Hope at the World Human Rights Film Festival 2020 in Tunis
- Interview Published by the Jerusalem Post:
- Part of The Last Sermon Trailer - promoting reconciliation in the middle of conflict: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fshjw9hjhJw External linkthe message of reconciliation: https://vimeo.com/327070062External link
- The International Peace Conference in Tel-Aviv Published by Haaretz News Agency 2017.
Select Publications
- (2020) Internet Communication Technologies for Reconciliation: Applied Phronetic Netnography in Internet Research Methodologies, Springer, 450 https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030412029External link
- Chapter: (2020) The Phenomenology of Internet Communication Technology (ICT) in Applied Phronetic Social Science. In: Internet Communication Technology (ICT) for Reconciliation. Lecture Notes in Social Networks. Springer, Cham.
- Ph.D Thesis: (2019) Internet Communication Technology for Reconciliation: Applied Phronesis in Internet Research Methodology,” Fredrich Schiller University, German National Library, Frankfurt Am Main p.431: http://dnb. info/1191939928
- A Call for Reconciliation in the Middle of Israeli Palestinian Conflict. In: Israeli Palestinian Journal: https://www.pij.org/articles/1975/reconciliation-in-the-middle-of-conflict-an-approach-to-the-israelipalestinianconflictExternal link
- Reconciliation in the Middle of Conflict: An Approach to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, by Martin Leiner External linkand Iyad Muhsen Sulieman AlDajani External link 24 No. 3 2019External link DOI: https://pij.org/articles/1975/reconciliation-in-the-middle-of-conflict-an-approach-to-the-israelipalestinianconflictExternal link
- Looking at Trump’s “Peace to Prosperity” Plan
Bishop Dr. Munib Younan, Dr. Iyad Dajani, Ambassador Hind Khoury, Ambassador Ilan Baruch, Lior Amihai, Susie Becher, Hillel Schenker and Ziad AbuZayyad.
25 No. 1&2 2020External link DOI: https://pij.org/journal/99External link - Applied Internet Research Analytics from Theory to Practice, 2020 | book-chapter: Lecture Notes in Social Network· DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-41203-6_9External link
- Internet Communication Research Overview 2020 | book-chapter: Lecture Notes in Social Network. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_1External link
- Internet Communication Technology (ICT) for Deliberative Democracy
2020 | book-chapter: Lecture Notes in Social Network. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_6External link - Internet Communication Technology (ICT) for Moderation in Islam “Wasatia,” in Palestine 2020 | book-chapter: Lecture Notes in Social Networks. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_5External link
- Internet Communication Technology (ICT) for Reconciliation 2020 | book -chapter: Lecture Notes in Social Networks. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6External link
- Internet Communication Technology (ICT) in Social Transformation 2020 | Lecture Notes in Social Networks. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_4External link
- Internet Research Analytics (Theories and Methods) 2020 | book-chapter - Lecture Notes in Social Networks. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_8External link
- Phronetic Netnography Research Design- Lecture Notes in Social Network. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_7External link
- Reconciliation in the Middle of Conflict Exposed in Internet Communication Technology (ICT) 2020 | Lecture Notes in Social Networks. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_3External link
- Research Analysis, Interpretations & Evaluation2020 | Lecture Notes in Social Networks. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_10External link
- Research Findings and Recommendations 2020 | Lecture Notes in Social Networks. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_11External link
- The Phenomenology of Internet Communication Technology (ICT) in Applied Phronetic Social Science 2020 | book-chapter Lecture Notes in Social Networks. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-41203-6_2External link
- Online Social Media for Social Change Towards Reconciliation ProcessAcademic Alliance for Reconciliation 2018-08-13 | https://www.db-thueringen.de/receive/dbt_mods_00035418External link
Staff meetingImage: Privat
AARMENA ConferenceImage: Privat
JCRS MeetingImage: Privat
Signing an agreementImage: Privat
Meeting 2Image: Privat
Lecture by IyadImage: Privat
Developing cooperation with University of JordanImage: Privat
Erasmus kick off meetingImage: Privat
Meeting at the Uni 2Image: Privat
Erasmus Plus Brussels MeetingImage: Privat
Meeting with the staffImage: Privat
Group meetingImage: Privat